
I would agree that the comments have some judgement from non-Christians, but I'd argue that is mainly due to Kotaku not having a large devout Christian following. It is a gaming blog after all; different demographic.


Ah yes. I play Black Ops when my nephew and his friends want to play (I refuse to play in game chat with them even though they are probably subjected to worse language in school).

"Why can't you live and let live like they're doing? Like I'm doing? I'm not even Christian and I'm doing it."

Well, that's a slight exaggeration of—wait, I'm not the one on trial here! Don't judge me.

I hate playing S&D as it is, so no worry there. However, HC Team Deathmatch, HC HQ Pro and HC Moshpit all have Party Chat blocked on MW2 and that's what we play all the time. Sucks.

YES! I hadn't seen this and I am now incredibly excited!

Only two things I want:

Agreed on both counts.

While I wholly agree with your rant, I don't think it's these companies thinking they know about progress, rather they know about making a buck.

oOo, yes I get it now. Don't you mean ISP (Internet Service Provider), not IP (Internet Protocol)? That's where I was getting confused.

Hmm...not sure I understand. Care to elaborate?

Looks like it'll just be streaming for me. I RARELY use my DVD plan, and with the 30 day hold out, it is a little pointless. Plus, by the time I actually receive certain movies, they are already airing on HBO or Showtime.

While I think you may be overreacting just a TINY bit, I'm with most forms of vigilante justice if the crime calls for it. Who decides if the crime calls for it? Why, the vigilante of course. That's the whole damn point of vigilante justice.

All I can hear in my head whenever I read "queers" on this camper is a very drunk, raspy-voiced southern fellow belting it out like he just stumbled upon fresh game to kill.

I never really thought about it, but you're right. Tenchu, which hasn't been updated since PS2, was a great ninja game that we haven't really seen again. I loved being able to silently run from rooftop to rooftop and take out enemies from the shadows. Plus, adding co-op to the second one was awesome.

I still want, SO BADLY, a Zombie Free Roam mode. You and all of your friends (or whoever is in the room) just trying to survive an entire map where the denizens are all zombies. I wanted this for GTA IV, didn't get it.

And this is why Party Chat is one of the best things ever created for online gaming. Now, if they would just bring it back into Hardcore modes for MW2, I'd be set!

"Quite frankly, it isn't about you and what you think of the word. It's about them."