
While dongs have been getting more exposure (mind the pun) in the media with Apatow and such, I can't stand the "dong-shot for a laugh" that is in so many male-centric comedies. My straight friends (only referred to as such for the purpose of this story, otherwise they are just my friends) always say, half-jokingly,

Penis sounds like a medical tool and vagina sounds like a disease. Reproductive organs got dealt a bad hand in the naming game.

I could see how that could be true considering our average timeline on Death Row is 15 years. Considering how counter-productive that is to my policy, sentences would be carried out within 12 months.

I'm with you on the flaws of our justice/legal system. Unfortunately, I don't possess the wherewithal that you seem to have in being more level-headed regarding such situations. My answer to the system is simple and primitive, if not in-elegant: euthanize them.

Then you are a terrible, terrible person. However, society has taught us tolerance and we still love you.

Can we please, PLEASE not include the AVP abortions in the Alien universe? Please? The Alien saga are my favorite sci-fi/horror flicks. I have the Blu-Ray collection and watch any one of them when I'm bored or in the mood for a good classic. AVP...well, what more do I need to say other than WTF?

Um, I hope this doesn't get me banned for #corrections, but the photos of Rhea on the bike, Usher with his hands waving and the big-ass Activision sign with the crowd are from E3 2010 when Activision threw their big concert party on the Monday before E3 at Staples Center. This year they had a booth on the show floor,

I was JUST thinking that. My materialistic weasel of a brain went straight to the deal. In related news, I'm selling a kidney for $60k on eBay if anyone is interested...

If I don't get called into the office, it's LA Noire all the way! I got to play a little of it on Wednesday and was left licking my chops for more! I am always impressed by RockStar and this game is no substitute. I've gotta go put some criminals away.

Whoa, Mat! Whoa! Stop putting all of your eggs in one basket. We are gonna look like damn fools when show up and the Native Glieseans ask just what in the Hell do we think we're doing there.

I think hyper-real animation such as this is GREAT for adaptations from these comics and books. The Polar Express looked amazing to me because it was as if the pages of the book had come to life, but not 100% tangible realistic life. Granted, that movie had flaws beyond the animation.

"...contest between BF and CoD, and at this point, they appeal to pretty different demos."

I like where your head's at.

Isn't it? Great Moments in Simpson History!

Sorry to talk about your dad like that, buddy.

"God has no place within these walls! Just like facts have no place within organized religion!"

I've just started Brotherhood, so far so good. I LOVED the original series and I don't think Brotherhood will top it. Also, if you watch the original series and finish it, then you should watch The Conquerer of Shambala (the feature-length movie). Amazing stuff.

Switch out one of the fluids in the lethal injection tube with a diluted solution of sulfuric acid....heavily diluted, slow acting, flesh burning sulfuric acid. That should do the trick.

Y'know, I figured that couldn't have been a Blackhawk tail. The fixed tail wing was off; looked more like the tail of a Huey Cobra.