
Yeah this was just unsettling. It really ruined my gaming experience. There are SO many other avenues of whoring yourself out online. Why would anyone use XBL to do so?

Just had to post about this to see if anyone else has had this come up:

That was, indeed, pretty disturbing.

Nurse Jackie, US of Tara, Game of Thrones and The Borgias. Oh, and constant reruns of Mythbusters that I haven't yet seen.

It really freaks me out how much muscle this man can put on.

Admittedly, I don't watch furry videos on YouTube, nor do I study/immerse myself in the culture enough to fully understand it. If you say that there is a non-sexual side to the furry culture, then I will believe you (judging by your avatar and username, you probably have more insight than I do [that was a joke, by

The key thing I'd argue in the comparison, is that anime and cosplay are not inherently fetishes. If anything, "furry" is the manifestation of the fetish derived from anime and cosplay. Anime/manga art and cosplay are not considered to be directly sexual, whereas furry is basically the sexualization of those two

It seems odd to me that someone whose main interest is furry costumed characters would wind up sexually abusing some poor kid. Was the kid dressed in some costume? You know, never mind. I just made myself throw up in my mouth a little.

Well, they did mention that playing as the USS forces you would encounter the US SOG soldiers and would be battling them AND zombies. So the meat shield may be to protect yourself from the SOG's gunfire.

Looks like I just found a new friend!

Great story. I can relate to the opening paragraph regarding the family reunions as I'm usually the default babysitter at my own because I behave like a kid most of the time anyway.

I've pretty much learned to accept this. I have 7 nieces and nephews in total between only two siblings of which I am the youngest by 10 years. That means I've always been viewed as "not quite the adult" during family get-togethers. My nieces and nephews ages range from 2-14 and they all have friends of their own

I was waiting for this response.

@comics0026: I was just thinking that. The only difference is there are no images because organizations like Love In Action make sure of it.

@GameBreaker: It's funny you should say that. The first thing my cinemaphile mind thought was Signs with the bird that slammed into the ship.

I hate dealing with storefronts in general. They're mostly filled with high school kids who couldn't give a crap about their job or the product they sell. I've been burned too many times in storefronts, so now, everything from toothpaste to TVs, I buy on Amazon.

@Cellsong: "I may be oversimplifying things..."

@Azures: Sad isn't it? They see homosexuality as a choice because of their strict Southern Baptist upbringings, and so we are condemned.