
@FinalKai: I'm gay and work in advertising for video games. Feels even more straight-driven on the marketing side.

@mav3ricx: They changed it. You are now allowed to state sexual preference in your tag and profile AS LONG AS IT IS NOT DEROGATORY...which is at MSFT's discretion.

@affable.gentleman: It's very true with many parents these days. They feel strict discipline equates to some sort of torture and instead try to be their children's best friend.

If EA plans on unseating CoD, they should pump the money into Respawn. While many shooter fans seemed to enjoy BFBC, the numbers obviously show that the masses swarmed to the frenetic madness of CoD.

@Xenris: I'm not sure how many competent (that could be the operative word) people expect our first exposure to ET life to be large, bipedal creatures.

I have 7 nieces and nephews, 5 of whom are at gamer ages. Gifts for them are easy and a nice deposit in the "Favorite Uncle Bank".

@Aklost: I actually have a niece and a couple nephews in that age range. They like the whole manga culture and that looked interesting.

Has anyone here played the free MMORPG Maple Story? I'm interested in hearing player experiences with it.

@Bricked: Too right! When I was growing up, my mother's word may as well have been the state constitution as far as I was concerned. That woman kept me in check to the point where I never got suspended from school or in trouble with the law. Plus, I only once had to taste the back of her hand when I accidentally

@Bricked: That's already the law in Michigan. Not sure if that is still on the books, but I remember reading an article YEARS ago about man who was fined because he swore loudly at a campground JUST AS a women and her child were passing by.

This is great news to me, as the main thing keeping me from Free Roam were all of the jerks on horseback with automatic pistols.

@StBlackjack: Exactly! It would have been hilarious! I don't blame Kotaku either, more so I blame RockStar for posting it on their blog.

@StBlackjack: That's kind of the disappointing thing about this post, we're all alert now.

Trailers template in iMovie '11? Well, looks like I'm out of a job.

@metronome49: Oh, it totally was. Trust me, I felt like Roger Rabbit with the ol' "Shave and a haircut" bit; I couldn't resist myself.

@metronome49: "Lego builds you." Come on, you know you wanted to say it.

Call me crazy (and I'm sure some of you will), but a Kingdom Hearts MMORPG would kind of rock my world.