
Apple had Colbert present an iPad at the Grammy's. Microsoft is using Bieber to present a console add-on.

Finishing up the story mode for Red Dead this weekend, then jumping into multiplayer to start leveling up in free roam.

@Methusalah: HA! I agree wholeheartedly. And yes, you wouldn't believe the hurdles. My newest favorite is when I am playing a FPS and one my of friends reveals my sexuality in game chat. Suddenly, you'd think I was being discharged under Don't Ask, Don't Tell in-game. If I don't prove myself and I play horribly

@ploopsy: "why not just call yourself a gaymer? lol!"

@Methusalah: Thanks for the response! I want to make it absolutely clear that my identification as a "gay gamer" is for the purposes of this thread. I am a gamer, like the rest of you, and have been for quite some time.

I'd like to try out my own little survey here. I'm trying to see (on a skewed average) how many Kotaku commenters are gay/straight and what their favorite genre(s) of games is/are.

@YardanCabaret: I had some woman claim her stagecoach had broken down and she needed help. I quickly found out it was a trap and I was swiftly ambushed. The bandits wanted me to pay them $40 to go on my way. What did I do? Engage Dead Eye, mark my targets, wipe them all out.

@YardanCabaret: I haven't experienced the cheaters yet, maybe they're hustling me!

Red Dead all the way. I've been cursing my need for sleep at 3am each morning after playing for hours. This weekend, all bets are off.

I feel like the Wii hardware makes the streaming look less attractive than the XBOX or PS3. Tested it at my sister's last weekend when she received her Wii Netflix disc. She has a Sony Bravia 46" 1080p TV.

@VincentGrey: "I like fictional stuff that takes place during the Vietnam War."

@Roobs: Uh, sir, that's the "plaque."

@ithyphallus, 13382: "Seems like the classy thing to do would be NOT to call attention to it."

This game is SO much fun, and I'm not a racing game fan. However, the arcade-racer style of Split Second is very entertaining.

Admittedly, I am now buying a PS3 mainly because I've finally upgraded my TV and want a Blu-Ray player/game console.

@Connoisseur: ...that was meant to sound as crazy as it did.

Wow, Sheva looks even more white on this cover. I'm looking at the figures I have of both her and Ada Wong and suddenly realizing they are the same person!

@ReynaldoRiv: Please tell me those are "bindings" and not panties around her ankles. Otherwise, I think it is a safe bet as to what caused the RRoD.