
@PoweredByHentai: I was never able to get into Halo due to the art design. Far too much color for my blood. Sadly, I really got into Killzone (the first one) because the art design was much more gritty and it had an AWESOME bot system for the "multiplayer". The story however, while fun, was nothing to write home

@PoweredByHentai: Let's not forget Counterstrike either, which had a really great multiplayer experience people went nuts over as well.

@halfthought: Sorry, I missed the mark on Battlefield 2. Myself not being a PC gamer, I should just go ahead and shut my mouth on the history of the FPS genre.

@PoweredByHentai: Indeed. They called; I got an earful. Going to have to issue an apology to them.

I'm interested in seeing what BC2 and Medal of Honor will bring to the table, but proclaiming they want to "take on" IW's Modern Warfare is a fool's game. Whatever anyone's personal feelings are on MW2, you cannot argue with results, and results equals revenue in this little world of ours.

Appeared in one of these games last night and spawned into a barrage of grenade, RPG and Javelin fire. Needless to say, I was beyond confused and simply dropped from the room. Tried again and wound up in a "public private match" with a bunch of players racking up easy points without a time/score limit. 3rd time was

I was at this awards "show" (I say show in quotes because they basically project the 20-minute ceremony in a small screening room...still loads of fun though) and I must say the biggest upset of the night was the game of MW2, Machinima vs IW. The upset? Machinima WON!

@Friedhamster: You do realize they said IN Mercenary Chic (sheek), like their style of clothing; which is pretty spot on.

That video is terrible, I'm sorry. That's going to a film festival? I weep for the poor patrons.