
…those sound like pet food brands for the discerning shopper that hates their pet. Like if you ex left their dog behind. 

Investing in ideas like this are very effective ways to distract from the pain and anxiety of existence.

I never hated on Chibnall like many, but I did feel that the current Doctor was slightly to severely underwhelming through underwriting, if that is a word that works outside insurance circles. Loved the talent though

The only coffee additive of this kind that caught my attention what chicory, a staple of the New Orleans coffee tradition. That was darn good, but I still think I have powdered sugar in my sinuses from the pastry (DO NOT INHALE)

...they mutter, between bites of caviar and sips of first class champagne.

I forgive you. There is a valid point here the other commenters are overlooking, one I presume to minorities working in a colonialist and patriarchal world and to excel they have to become much, much better than their majority-looking colleagues. They cut through bullshit like a knife, and project an aura of pure

....and that is precisely why I expressed it in this way. Our neighbourhood has had a half dozen of these thefts this week, despite changes to our local scrap metal laws to try to curtail them. Every car and truck is ripe for the picking, and the pandemic (plus localized opioid and meth crisis flair) has pushed so

I don’t know exactly what it is about converter theft, but I’m way more inclined to “got what he deserved” than thinking about his family and friends, and the oppression of the capitalist world around him that placed him in such dire need. This is the only (well, one of few) component of social non- compliance that

This is trying way, way too hard Charles.

Now playing

Y’all gonna watch this, it’ll be your new favourite

Now playing

The problem with fancy editions of Dune is that the best versions - by leaps and bounds - are the fan edits on YouTube.

This is milking a dead horse after you kicked it while it was down because you were fucking it.

He is in his 80s and it was 3AM where he lives when he won. I don’t think he “didn’t expect to win”, and I don’t think anyone looking at these performances on merit expected Chadwick to win. I seriously doubt any production decision was made with any expectations about a winner in a category as it would be very, very,

Where does the idea that Chadwick was going to win find it’s origins? People keep mentioning it, nobody can explain it (yet). I’m not seeing much of a reason to think the production team had advance knowledge or made production decisions in a hunch. That’s just. ....weird.

I do not see a logical connection between those events, not without something else to nudge it higher/more likely among all the reasons they could have made that change.

I do not see a logical connection between those events, not without something else to nudge it higher/more likely among all the reasons they could have made that change. 

more cornball-crowdpleasing version

What on earth did the academy do that people are reading that way? I missed whatever it was.

with the award being handed out before Best Actor and Best Actress in a break from tradition, seemingly foreshadowing a Best Actor win for Chadwick Boseman that did not end up happening (more on that shortly)

Yes to be clear, I only use flower. So I meant for flower in terms of cleaning (Use it 3 times a day, clean it every fourth or fifth day, and its really quite fast - cleaning rod up the chimney to pop the screen and get most build up, quick scrub with one soaked pipe-cleaner (the wiry kind), and at most two qtips