
So is this character intersex beyond “because we told you so”? The audio and visuals on a quick scan of YouTube seem pretty extremely feminine, with a leaning toward prepubescent waif. Always a delight to sexualize the under 18s /s

It is pretty weird this article doesn’t mention this. Especially with the emphasis on timeline, and Haunted Mansion came out *after* Pirates 1.

Why didn’t Gillain cut the tag off those underwear? 

The clip they used for “Game Over” is seared into my brain.

We have the concentrate insert for our 3s, but I’m only interested in flower so back in the box it went. I don’t like the idea of hitching my wagon to someone else who has to process my weed before I can use it. It kind of creeps me out.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t Toshiba and Sharp as crap as TV brands get without being or Zenith or some other corpse of a company absorbed by a Chinese conglomerate? I the only one who has never had problems with the traditional method and peeling eggs?

Someone call the Star Brigade because this comment is horrifically under-starred at the moment. maybe do the right thing and don’t use copyrighted terms so blatantly? Like I don’t think people who want this content I going to be dissuaded by some clever naming to work around what, fairly, is a term that is not his to use? can rent and purchase in Amazon Prime on tvOS. Seems that was added April 2020 (iOS too)

Surely “hat on head” is an expected use of a bobby pin?

....I don’t get plastic surgery where you come out not even remotely looking like yourself.

I do. Or I try to. I’m really alarmed at the discrepancy between this post and the one on Jez, because the post here seems engineered to go out of its way to avoid actual....content? That, to me, is clearly trying to bury the story.

This questions is inherently problematic. But as this is the internet, I don’t see why that should stop me. Also, Google *and* Wikipedia provided no help.

Yeah I don’t think we just want to throw out that chocolate milk is as healthy as regular milk. That added tablespoon of sugar per cup is...a lot of sugar.

Even if the linked article was academic - which it isn’t - it still leaves room for 25-66% of obese people to have an actual health problem.

The scene was indulgent and had some plot holes - but thats what the move is, and I don’t like opening up a can of Vienna sausage and complaining all I have is tiny weenies.

Thank you for your candor, Ash.

The passing of Sabine Schmitz has put her contributions to Top Gear on rotation and its such clear evidence for the “maybe give them less money” argument. Gosh, that was a fun era.

Portman may have won an Oscar a few years later for Black Swan but her performance as Evey is definitely on par with that.