
I can see a discussion of “is this actually fridging?” but not an assertion that its the complete opposite of fridging (and am fond of my conclusion of “this is what fridging looks like when done by woke people”). She clearly dies to serve the plot, not her character. That’s ...problematic, on some level or another.

Could I get your address so I can shit on your doorstep and we can apply this logic to why it’s totally fine and you really shouldn’t be complaining?

You’re not even trying to have a conversation or address my points. There is only one kind of excrement that has a visible, smell-able, impact on my family. As such it is irrelevant.

Well said.

You’ve missed my point. As I recall it, Ant-Man invokes the plot point in conversation with a hard limit, and then blows one “dose” of their test supply on an accidental size shift.

I’m glad we got to talk about this.

As they found a way to resurrect Gamora (mentioned only because it matches one key constraint so well), I’m sure they could have found some way to do this that didn’t result in the one “signatory” avenger - the only female, the only one deprived of a feature film, and the one who was


As a life long fat person (to varying degrees) I am so just fed up with the idea of fat acceptance, which I feel is the undercurrent of the disappointment with cliches used in this film. The historical use of fat cliches are problematic, and I thought this film was not careless in its use of them, although it did lean

The thing that sticks with me is how I feel like there are ways to do what they needed to do, and satisfy what this author finds unsatisfying. Especially with Captain Underpants.

The fan-service itself brought a lot of tears to my face. I was leaking constantly for the entire third act.

Where I was comfortable with it fitting the form is in how she died a plot device. I think you could even make a credible argument that she might have been born a plot device too: show up, look sexy, say a few soft feminine things to the Hulk, have no movie of your own, and die in this movie ignoring the stakes set up

I still can’t understand how the same movie can do the Femvengers scene, and stuff Black Widow into a fridge before it happens.

So, it’s just fine for this cat to shit in his yard then? Is that what you are saying? Please, explain the mind of the “its totally ok for my cat do whatever it wants and have no consequences” crowd for us.

In every other case I am a giant softy when it comes to animals. But my south flower beds remain a local cat

The introduction to this material had me deep into “what the hell were they thinking?” internal monologue....the turn towards the fandom feeling criticized for shipping caught be entirely by surprise and I’m really not sure how to process it. I’m not in the fandom in question, and have not read the comic, so I should

Picking on what I now know are the obligatory tools of taking care of African american hair is blatantly racists.

The RunPee app, which I rely on for such things, is reporting that there are extra scenes.

Was it the filename that was the problem? I listened to this the day it came out and I thought it was the metadata rendering that was where this cropped up.

Can we talk about the total bullshit that is dealer installed audio firmware updates? They cost way too much for such a simple, user-doable task.

Parents ... very likely enjoy the company of their adult children.

You were not kidding.