
That was not Eastwatch, it was Last Hearth(as show in the credits)

If you do any reading on harm reduction, you’ll quickly learn this opinion is not founded on science. We are animals driven by impulses, and the use of substances is not a unique kind of failing. Indeed, its not much different than your addiction - i suspect - to being an asshole on the internet wherever possible.

...this actually does work with judges. The tort is abuse of process and/or malicious prosecution, and this is basically the entire structure of the prior art argument for disputing trademarks.

Yes but once you deploy a camera and microphone, there is an integration point (usually). Isn’t there?

You mean 10-11 years.


Government procurement and industry insiders: does it make a lick of sense that the video and audio feeds would be controlled separately? I’ve never seen them unintegrated, even when using specialized equipment for each purpose.

So now someone explain to me how this tracking the males trick is supposed to work. How do they know when he has found a new friend? How long do they have before they part ways? It seems like a heck of a thin lead to run on to find the females, unless snakes have reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long sex.

a little hidden secret, these packages can be stored in warehouses under a holding status with the address updated at the final leg

How did they ever expect to get away with this?

I was purchasing Endgame tickets last night, and it was listed as three hours and two minutes. I will be interested to see if that changes on release as that is an oddly specific number for something that is apparently up in the air at this moment?

I’m very genuinely sorry you feel that way, but a relationship with a universal dictation of terms by one party isn’t a relationship.

They’ve been looking for an excuse to do that since they bought it. There is a reason Ray and Greg left as soon as they were contractually able to.

Layoffs hit BioWare Edmonton just before the end of fiscal. I can’t disclose more than that, but a review of LinkedIn and Facebook will enlighten the curious.

Did I miss the part where Lewis is being put on the trans beat? I mean if I check the PR on this the details are about “the decline in democracy, the culture wars, toxicity in public discourse, and feminism.” and I’m left wondering what is going on. Like ok, lets accept the fundamental assumption that The Atlantic was

I’m not sure a basic assumption of the article and your comment is a good one though, which maybe is something like new hires in progressive journalism must pass an inclusivity test for all voices (or at least the trans one)“. I mean I don’t have much of a problem with the assertion that Lewis isn’t a trans ally, and

And that may be very well be what the subject discussed in this piece means. It isn’t what I mean though. I’m think discussing someone who was once a man (or a boy) is now a woman (or a girl) is a much more accurate way to discuss it. Because there, to my way of thinking, isn’t anything out of alignment with how

Did I misread that this lady was being brought in to speak about trans issues? I thought the gist of this was that this person was trash and should not be give a forum to discuss any issue, due to what is claimed about her transphobic views.

A more general piece about “hey where the hell are the trans voices in media”

I really did want to come back after the edit period and clarify that I am *not* vouching for this woman and did not read anything outside of this article, and have no idea who she is in general. I did assume that the author, out to make a point, went out and got the best material to make that point.

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