
Except, the store should have finalized my redemption when I’ve originally entered it back in February way before it expired.

Sure it sucks, and I’m sorry for you, and there was some ambiguity, but I don’t blame Nintendo for your loss. Not only would basic math skills have predicted it, waiting until after the expiration date to finalize your redemption? Uh. Well let me be clear, I’m not really blaming you either- I've done worse myself. But

Well it’s better than the LAST Fatal Frame game which didn’t get any release at all here. (I imported it and hacked my Wii to play it and it was lovely)

There are lots of things for Nintendo to improve here, but this issue is entirely on your head IMO.

You can redownload all purchases made on your account. Just go to the eShop and download it again.

The best thing to follow a fresh, new, interesting idea is another fresh, new, interesting idea.

So, to the question at hand, nothing.

Huh. There seems to be a thread of industry boosterism woven here that I think is disingenuous as you have completely failed to tell true stories, just true little snippets in isolation. I suppose that serves a purpose. But the real stories are so much more revealing. But of course its more complex so its not even

I don’t see the two of you actually disagreeing, but your tone really suggests that I should...

As of yet, it’s a bit unclear.

“Try to avoid screen time, if you can” is a far cry from my naturopaths advice (that TOTALLY WORKED) to avoid all digital devices for 2 hours before bedtime.

Parenthood and getting sacked from my AAA game studio made it easy to anchor this decision but I moved away from the Xbox brand when I had to repair my console for the 4th time, and advertisements on the dashboard started being mandatory.

There just isn’t a game that could exist that will make me put up with the kind

In all likelihood, the results will be underwhelming and disappointing (true for most whodunits, to be fair)

I can think of little I want to watch more than this.

They don’t have a public store there anymore? I remember heading out there during PAX’05 to snag some GameCube component video cables.

Setting aside the apparent lack of explicit mention of Mindy Parks race, can we call this whitewashing when 50% of the claim is not white?

Black and white washing?

To hell with the landings, look at what flying the thing can do

I get that diversity is a problem. I don’t know why we are judging this film against that problem. It is a problem that works at a higher level. And yes individual films comprise, en mass, the higher level. But why are we criticizing the Coen brothers here?

(a superficial glance at IMDB suggest that Crimson Peak and

Well, the movie references are the only reason I keep watching.

I myself have actually recently done this.

Every time tipping comes up I scoff at the notion that 20% is the new normal. While I grew up with 10% is normal, 15% is great service, I did have enough sense to shift that up to 15 is normal and 20 is great. And all over town the local card machines still only have presets for 10/15/20. So 10% is still the lowest