
I think we need a new word. Fan isn’t cutting it anymore.

I’m not a NFL follower. But a four game suspension seems relatively trifling. Why all this fuss? Stories on the topic seem to take the fuss for granted.

Well that would be hands down better than being rough humped during dry sex.

I shit you not, this passage made me all watery in my eye holes.

I think Canadians would really get behind this idea.

Try 5,525 mi

Here is why MGS is such an amazing, epic, mind blowing series:

20% interesting ideas
20% pretty fun gameplay
20% being a complete and total shitshow of a trainwreck of a car accident of a narrative with the most fucking random weird shit happening and the sexual maturity of an 11 year old boy looking at a Sports

Within a short series of clicks I could leave this fine Gawker blog and watch a woman have sex with a horse.

I think the number of times you have elected to EMPHASIZE your story using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is a fantastically clear depiction of how ENTITLED you really ARE.

How did I have to come this far down to see this called out? On my mobile device this is totally illegible.

I'm so glad you added some factually clarity here but was there any need to be such a giant asshole about it from the start?

A transphobic joke that really isn’t very funny anymore thank you goes here.

I am not normally this guy but good lord did you phone this in on QC

Fun fact: I wasn’t sure on the correct spelling of Dil, which led me to discover there is a pronoun war afoot on Wikipedia regarding her.

Well I’ll throw myself on this grenade.

Shit like this is why you have unions.

PS: Also, get out of the games industry, it’s terrible and you’ll make more money elsewhere.

In what bizzaroverse was Dil from the Crying Game a villain?

I’m sure this says more about me than it does anything else, but reading this story made me find your wealth very off-putting and alienating, and I usually really like your stuff. The whole concept of the article seems deeply anchored in trolling the middle class. You could have worn a monocle and a top hat and I

45 minutes??! Was she raising a herd of llamas in there?!