
I #noped the hell out of this article after 1.5 stories.

I would read endless volumes of poop/vomit stories over this.


A lot of comments are suspecting an author with an anti-Japanese leaning, but I read it as exactly the opposite. The read as subversive reminders and possibly criticisms of the atrocities of the west. Masquerading acknowledgement of past sins under the guise of current western cultural icons seems way more pro-Japan

I’m not familiar with this. Can you direct me to more information as I also can’t quite figure out what to google to make it come up.

I am not watching either video as they sound just awful.

But having not watched either video, I am relatively confident this was scripted, and done to attract attention in the selfie-centric viral-video me-culture.

Since I have not watched either video, my opinion is not really valid, and may actually be insulting to a

3TS must be trolling you. Nobody is this dumb.

My mistake. Where I'm from jokes are funny.

It would still be an employer fucking an employee and wildly inappropriate.

...Sherlock series are a whole 3 episodes.

The mileage of others will almost definitely vary as while use of birth control dramatically increases your risk of hepatocelluar adenoma, the risk remains vanishingly small - not “extremely common”.

For me, Trainwreck used absurdity and immutable battleships of character archetypes to reveal and reflect on some really dark personal truths. This gave it, for me, enough genuine heart such that I cried twice. And then I laughed at probably every other line. But my cable package is so aggressively focused on getting

I find this an especially interesting observation as Trainwreck, more than any other film of recent memory, has a significant number of jokes in the trailer that were not even in the movie.

How do the legalities of writing under a pseudonym work? Is the publisher in on it? This article is about deceiving the agents, and I’m used to the Internet where pseudonyms are cheap and easy and free of consequence.

I’m not sure the Drow can hit mainstream cinema due to them being so overtly, explicitly, ridiculously-over-the-top, so-on-the-nose-the-nose-has-a-nose, whitebread-america-in-the-70s racist.

Sorry for a late reply. We had a holiday in Canada.

I got a third of the way into Infinite Jest and was having zero fun so I stopped. While there are some open plot threads I am genuinely curious about, I can’t understand the perspective where David Foster Wallace is considered a decent, let alone good, author, as the prose seems so bloated, convoluted, and

Son you better check your #privilege hard

This x 100.

It came up recently in another story about a guy charging his phone on a UK train, but since it has come up again I will say now: Theft of services (electric current) sounds like total bullshit.

True story. I can’t properly digest cow dairy (I get a rash). So I grew up eating cereal dry.

I like it. I find milk on cereal inconceivable.

Actually this is a much better question than you think Eric. Mailbox and Inbox are two birds of a feather, much more so than any other alternative.