
I’ve just tried to catch up with Man of Steel but ragequit after an hour. What a terrible movie. How can this kind of disaster get made?

...but Canada doesn’t have pennies anymore.

I only recently got caught up with Man of Steel since it dropped on Netflix.

Or at least the first hour of it. That movie was so astonishingly poor. I ragequit after Pa Kent ascended into the tornado.

I’m not sure I can ever get over that start and get back on the DC cinematic bandwagon. I’ve just got too much other

I enthusiastically agree with everything you say.

Thank you for saying this. The enthusiastic shoring up of the gender binary has always made me very distrustful of discussions on trans issues. Of course as a cis-presenting* white male who the hell cares what I trust or distrust - and what we are seeing is a huge advance in tolerance of things we can’t directly

Was it? I’m still convinced Her Story is just a novelty. It did not engage me. I should go back.

“GOOD DAY! Offering this for a friend”

...pshaw, we know better than to fall for that scam.

I believe the anecdote about having someone mail you prescription medication, in this case into Japan, is ridiculously illegal. I believe this has been covered recently on Gawker or Jezebel in relation to some automotive executive. She was shipping narcotics, and doing so deceitfully, but the coverage at the time

I received a Logitech K811 keyboard for Christmas, and it looks like its starting to fail.

I’ve never attended SDCC. I attended PAX (original flavour) many many times.

The fandoms attachment to cons has really soured me on participating. I enjoy genre very much, but the behaviors and attitudes of fans at cons borders on the biblically admonished cultivation of idolatry. I find nothing special or enjoyable in

So, for Her Story, I’m correct that I just keep playing until my curiosity is sated and then walk away?

I played it for about 45 minutes and have difficulty caring about all the nuances about how the crime happened, as the immediate and obvious differences between the interview sessions led me quickly to “this woman is

I’ll be damned if I can figure out which one he means. I could have sworn I 100%ed this game....

What name are they using for Talias father? That pronunciation can’t jive with Ra’s in my head.

I was going to post here to complain that the original Starcraft has never been updated to function on Intel Mac OS X. But I double checked and someone somewhere figured out a reasonable looking workaround:…

I think by the standards expressed in this article Doctor Who is a great fit, and Torchwood is a catastrophic failure on every level. No opinion on the unwatched-by-me Sarah Jane.

The tension between the first shotgun blast and the second one pretty much covered the cost of my HBO subscription right there. Which is good, as The Brink looks like its a total dud.

Yup. Sure was.

Having eaten a few of these during the annual Canadian offering this year, they are both not bad and by far the best thing to eat at McDonalds. I mean if you are going to eat like you don’t care about yourself or your loved ones, this is the way to do it.

I’ve never really had a good place to say this before so I’m going to say it here: Hitachi magic wands are not just for the ladies. I was totally surprised the first time I used one start to finish, and go back to it often.

I didn’t find her remotely charming, and not the least bit amusing.

But the interview was definitely no big deal. I don’t like to see the justified amusement at the pearl clutching conflated with justfying the Kardashian nonsense (true story: first time I’d heard her voice. The correct strategy for the Kardasians is