
I don’t think our criticisms of dumb ideas that are steeped in fat shaming are helped when we throw in ridiculous claims of risk (torn rotator cuff? really?)

You can’t edit in material that wasn’t shot.

I had to watch the video twice before I realized I wasn’t missing anything, and this story was trying way too hard.

I didn’t notice her say a single thing remotely funny. Did I miss some sort of subtlety? This was the first time I’d ever heard her voice.

I’ve often enjoyed the letter writing portions of the Gawker family of sites, but today was the first day I spent any time with the Kotatku side of the topic.

After reviewing a few there seems to be a pervasive theme of borderline-gloryifying unhealthy and antisocial behaviours. I found it incredibly unsettling.

I just bought an Xcom bundle of things I already have to get the Enemy Within DLC for $10, rather than pay $16 for just the DLC.

I do not think anyone should have their life ruined for smoking some weed. I smoke a lot of weed.

The astonishingly poor set of decisions that go into

...says the person with the one line snarky rebuttal.

I wasn’t even complaining, let alone whining. Just observing and sharing my observations. You don’t have to share them. It’s ok. Its a big wide world.

I’m surprised you didn't name drop that Obi Wan Kenobi here is played by Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard, Mark Meer.

This is of course totally reasonable. Nothing is actually problematic in what occurs, aside from it telegraphing what it was going to do so loud it could be heard from Ib to Asshai.

The problem is the context, and that a strong powerful woman shows up basically to a bunch of maternal stuff (plus be snarky) and then die

VW did this for a while (2007-2011) with the City Golf and City Jetta in Canada, using the previous generations that were still being sold in South American markets and selling them as entry level products in the Great White North.

I real a lot of law blogs, and would describe myself as a moderate law nerd. But the hosts of Undisclosed make it much more boring than it needs to be. They use lawyers rhetoric, and after you listen to a few episodes you’ll never wonder how any case could have closing arguments that take a week of a trials time.


Undisclosed is pretty far from fine. Not only is it boring as hell, the production value it terrible.

Yeah I was laid up (of sorts) with a sinus infection due to a poorly draining cavity that required surgery for the better part of 2 years. Doctors advice was to just double the daily dosing instructions on the bottle of over the counter ibuprofen, rather than write a script. I go back to that any time I’m in enough

Ok, sure. It almost certainly achieved no real and lasting change for anyone in the oppressed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (*snort*), but, this having happened is certainly better than a world where it didn’t happen. At least symbolically. I mean, at least a tiny little bit.

*trigger warning for those sensitive to fat shaming, or in this case a shameful fat person*

Well I’ll be damned. Your choice of phrasing might be the best thing I’ve read on the internet all day.

Thank you for beating me to this. Eastwatch and the Shadow Tower are distant fortresses, but fortifications nonetheless. Any other tower, such as Greywatch, is a ruin of a former post and the job there would be basically to build a shelter if you want to live in anything other than a tent.

What the hell is wrong with banana peppers? And do you even know how pickled jalapenos work?

Oh I’ve traveled some. India, Europe (well Spain and Italy), Central America.

Google Wars of Stuffed Capsicum vs Stuffed Pepper indicates the later is 10x more popular so while it was peculiar of me to point it out, I think the point does stand on its own and isn’t the byproduct of xenophobia.