How much worse could he be? I do believe that in the books his bride (not Sansa) is made to perform fellatio on a dog. I do not recall exactly, but she was made to perform bestiality in some fashion.
How much worse could he be? I do believe that in the books his bride (not Sansa) is made to perform fellatio on a dog. I do not recall exactly, but she was made to perform bestiality in some fashion.
Let’s remove all the impact that witnessing it rather than hearing about it would have then.
Yes. An Iron Man cameo or Gwen Stefani doing a dance would have been completely out of line. I love these examples.
Miranda warns Sansa about Ramsay’s sadism but she doesn’t believe it. She thinks Miranda is only trying to frighten her. Ramsay and his sadistic behaviors are unknown even to Little Finger.
Neophyte (Dungeon Master)
Much like, I wish there were some "sci-fi" framing options instead of just these "antique" looking wood frames. I would be interested in such an option for my business.
The first two sets are particularly gorgeous to me.
The best thing I ever did was open a video game themed bar and the idea came to me as I was going through the relaxing monotony of swimming laps.
The lighting and interior of the video game bar I run sounds similar to how you describe this arcade room. I too feel that a public game room should be dark, have interesting lighting, and have an array of no frills output devices. The funk at my establishment comes more from the tobacco smoke though than from any…
I'll be there! Wouldn't miss it.
This is some damn funny writing right here, I tell you wut.
Cool! I will be there. And come see mine if you would! It doesn't conflict with yours fortunately. Saturday, at 6:30pm at the Arachnid Theater. "The Rise of the Geek Bar"
I'd have to say Limbo is way up there, perhaps #1. I run a video game themed bar and oftentimes I have non-gamers as customers. I suggest Limbo to them. I recommend Limbo to everyone, gamer and non-gamer alike. Most importantly Limbo has simple, forgiving controls. It gives customers bite sized tastes of what it…
Yes, the depictions of Link from the N.E.S. games are the best.
I'm glad my parents never prevented me from playing whatever game I wanted. Should I have kids I intend to allow them to play whatever games the want as well, unless they appear touched in the head.
I approve 100% of Burning Chrome's lifestyle and I seek to live the same way when I am in my 50s. Currently 36.
I'm the owner of Space Station. The boxes are originals. I started collecting NES, SNES, and Genesis games about 10 years ago and I always wanted them to be in box.