
It's not free if you have to pay...

I think as a guy who uses Photoshop to make a living, you can appreciate that not everyone using Photoshop is using brushes. Sometimes it's an exact art that requires fine tuning.

So it's not $0... shenanigans.

100% yes

This is like the article of the water in the nuclear power plater being radioactive.

I loved alex kidd and the enchanted castle.

This is the part where some douche blames the video game industry.

Well as a budding art director at an ad agency, I'm thinking "cool."

Nice, I would promote you if Gawker didn't think I wasn't worthy of a star.

This is gonna turn into a porno isnt it?

Wow all this stuff sounds expensive. I feel bad for the dummies and douches paying for this.


I wanna see their brainwashi... I mean church.


I'll stick to Camera+ it has a stabilizer in it too. Sure it cost $0.99 but mega worth it with the quality and effects and ability to adjust pictures.

Woah woah woah woah. Hold the phone. Stop the presses. Pause the game. Freeze! Cease and desist. Generic saying of cessation! WOAH!

I remember playing Final Fantasy 7 when I was younger.

What? A 2D wedding? Low class English...

I'm glad they put this up, me and the other 2 movie patrons in the theater left before it was over.