
You can always count on Orhate to stir the shit in an obvious attempt to feed the Jalopnik hate machine. Bravo good sir. It’s not like the M4 doesn’t use carbon fiber to keep weight down in what could easily be a 3800 pound car. Or better yet it couldnt be possible that bmw wanted a cheaper entry level m car that

No carbon roof, no carbon driveshaft. It could be lighter, but then it would cost as much as the M4.

There were no IMS issues for Turbo models.

Please correct your oversight. It would only be factually correct if Blue Origin were landing on a floating barge & 10 other variables that you’re not accounting for.

You should really remove the phrase “It’s all in some contrast to SpaceX’s recent attempts”, because it’s not in contrast to it at all.

Shouldn’t you properly edit the title/facebook link title/article now that you have the correct information? This article is still very misleading.

We didn't have cool cars growing up. It wasn't possible. My mother didn't work, and my father was a "sanitation engineer" — you know, the guy who hung off the back of a garbage truck. We qualified to live in a housing project, but we didn't out of pride.

Yup, non-car people don't get it, so true

You know what else though? Non-car-people just don't get it. This is so much more than something that I'm interested in, you know? Cars are part of my identity at this point. I know that almost sounds crazy, but I know that any true Jalop could relate. There's just something about cars that I love, and there's an

People like to confuse the 2 terms a lot.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, CarMax has an R8. This is no secret. I say this because this car seems to be in very high demand, having been transferred three times to three separate stores: first Los Angeles, then to Las Vegas, and now to Colorado. In fact, it seems to be inching closer to me, which only makes it more

This is news to me as well.

The R8 is unreliable?


Many people paid ~$2000 markup for PT Cruisers, so he could've done worse.

That would make sense. They all have to go somewhere.

I didn't take give electric cars credit until I got a chance to live with this for a week. Completely changed my opinion.

If anybody can get Angry Steve right, it's Christian Bale.