
Is it just me or has there really not anything damning in these email leaks? Or is the Hillary Kool-Aid just hitting me too hard?

That’s what pisses me off about all of this backlash. Scalia often went on Fox News and talked politics, and the right kept its mouth shut. And yet when Ginsburg calls Trump a faker after he tells her to resign (for saying that she’s nervous about his election), suddenly the New York Times editorial board finds the

Trump is literally incapable of taking criticism. And I don’t use literally figurative, I use it literally. As far as I know there is not a single incident on record where someone criticized him and he responded with anything other than a personal insult in response.

When you think about how many people now regret voting for him you gotta think he trails by even more... At this point he just seems like a jerk who would rather risk giving us Trump than call it a day.

Agreed. I’m really starting to regret voting for him.

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

I stopped caring about it when I heard he was playing Gambit. Maybe he has talent that I haven’t seen. I’ve only seen bits and pieces of his work. But he seems absolutely wrong for this part.

And unlike Tatum, Kitsch can act!

So... Taylor Kitsch? (It worked for Deadpool)

“Looney?” Bugs Bunny is looney- anti-vaxxers are fucking nuts.

Can’t like it. It’s so Cher/JLo/Rihanna. It’s like a slutty genie costume made by Fredricks of Hollywood.

I know it’s trendy to hate on Anne Hathaway, but 1) I don’t get the hate and 2) I FUCKING LOVE THIS LOOK. She is slaying.


You can ask whatever you like - but no matter what your intentions are, you are not entitled to someone else's time or a polite reply. Women get all kinds of guys pretending to be interested in what we're wearing/doing/reading when what they really want is sex, so don't be surprised if we treat you distrustfully.

Yeah, the two of them have done the exchange over Twitter every Oct. 3rd for a few years now. Always makes me smile.