
A gift for you my son.

I believe you have broken iFixit Mario.

Actually you can. I said that whole Keurig thing in jest. When I started my latest job they had a Keurig and I threw it out.

Mat, I love you. I'm not ashamed. Your wit and writing style forces me to read an entire article I really don't want to read. The worst part is, I enjoy it. Every god forsaken sentence. Well, except for all that coffee drivel you write. Other than that, this is a bromance made in heaven.

It might just be me, but the gallery is broken on my end.

Caching does not mean writing. The data would still exist on the platters, and would be cached to the SSD to speed read times.

If you enjoy it, nothing else matters. Likewise, just because you enjoy it doesn't mean it is good.

Just because it's you best option doesn't mean it a good one.

Jesus died for your sins my child. Peace be with you.

Agreed. Kaiser Machead will be the name of my first born. Gonna be awkward if it's a girl.

NO! There must be only one!

Too early for Caturday, but promoted anyway. ARREST ME!

Not again...

I never would have made that connection. I figured they were showing me the display resolution.

I would guess by the title "Amazon Built 42nd Fastest Computer in the World Without Trying" that he is referring to it's ranking. I'm quite sure they weren't building a gaming rig and it suddenly became a supercomputer that they now lease out processing hours on.

I don't believe a cloud-linked data processing service would qualify as a gadget.

I would love to try this feature...

Assuming of course that when we suffer an invading air attack that the fleet isn't grounded.

That is a huge insult to developmentally disabled people everywhere. Seriously? Rainman would slap him.

So wait, are you suggesting the Mojave Spaceport?