Sorry, but it can’t be the Wookie. Rory was complaint about missing her period, when she was talking to her Mom post-wookie sex.
Sorry, but it can’t be the Wookie. Rory was complaint about missing her period, when she was talking to her Mom post-wookie sex.
Omg, the Russians are always so tacky. It’s like they get almost everything right, and they’re so good at ice skating or gymnastics, but then crap the bed with their inherent tackiness. They want to be Vegas, but they’re Branson, Missouri.
Don’t get distracted anyone. Don’t be distracted away from his conflicts of interests and corruption by this tantrum! He did the same thing about Hamilton when he paid off his fraud case.
It’s strange to me, that one would consider trade embargoes as reason enough to line people up for slaughter.
Me too! I feel bad for the country and myself, but (in several ways) worse for Kurt Eichenwald. Not only was he taking time away from his family to thoroughly investigate things, he was being threatened on-line and sent videos meant to trigger his epilepsy. And on top of it, he gets lumped into The Media, a dreaded…
I have family members saying the same thing. Fidel betrayed the people and later, manipulated VZLA, and now look at Caracas. His regime never could provide decent food, but never skimped on PR.
It’s going to take more than $2 million dollars and paperwork for me to ever stop being pig-sick, and resentful, of her and Gary Johnson. They helped ruin the world. Their names will be in the US obituary below Trump’s.
He sounds exactly like an Adderol addict.
This is awesome, right? I have orchestra seats in April, which was a recent birthday gift, and I’m going to make so.much.noise.
I grew up in a rural area, where the economy relied on manufacturing. When factories closed, it gutted many communities. But those communities need to understand that manufacturing is not coming back. The days of quitting school to work in a plant for 30 years, retire early and live on a pension are absolutely over.…
Samantha Bee, Jezebel and The Slot have been my ports in the storm. You’re doing it right. Please do not second guess your instincts, because you are handing out lifelines daily. And maybe after January, at your peril. I’m with you and I always want for you to be OK.
We actually do have a tool for this kind of scenario (when dealing with a corrupt, incompetent victor with ties to a foreign government). Federalist Papers #68, authored by Alexander Hamilton proved a clause to electors, never dreaming it would be needed.
In 2000, when Dubya was appointed and did not win the popular vote, I was discouraged but I didn’t have the same concerns about him as I do about Trump. DJT lacks the most basic skills, has no idea how government works, is emotionally incapable and his ties to Russia are chilling.
How does one get out of the grays? I was out on Gawker, can post freely on Deadspin, but I’ve always been gray on Jez. I’ve sent requests to authors, but it doesn’t help.
This is one of the best ideas Alexander Hamilton ever came up with. He never thought it would be needed, but just in case he added it to the Federalist papers, that we might to exclude a president who had ties to a foreign government and was incompetent. It’s so tailor-made for Trump, and the ghost of Hamilton is…
Trump has shown himself over and over. He’s not an actor - he’s a blatant sociopath and bully. I have no idea why people think he used a “liar” persona and “bigot” persona to get ahead. This is who he is, how he became rich, and half of the nation doesn’t seem to mind.
I’m usually wordy but I’ve got nothing. I don’t want to add to the ugliness right now, and I’m too proud to be a sore loser. We have so much to fight for, and I will. But I need a little sleep and some time.
I’m certain it’s grief. It’s awful.
My body feels so weird, like I’m shaking internally. I’m not shaking, but I’m trembling beneath my skin. I haven’t felt this way since my father died.
They don’t turn out to vote in the mid-terms either.