
I’m buying champagne today. You should too!

Oh, absolutely. It’s possible this might whittle down to be a cowardly CYA maneuver, and even then it shows he can be persuaded to care more about himself than serving the nation. The stakes are really too high for it to be this simple, though, especially because Clinton may very well win in spite of this.

It really doesn’t make any sense as to why Comey would put the nation through this without offering sufficient information, unless he has an agenda. I realize that many people are saying he was damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t, but he has given the impression of interference for his lack of transparency. Surely

I’m confused because I’ve had two surgeries that required use of the da Vinci robot, and it’s not new. The first was in 2005 to remove an ovarian cyst, and in 2015 for a partial hysterectomy. Both were fine and you can’t even see my scars.

I missed the original run. Last summer, my girlfriend introduced me to GG on Netflix and we binged on every season. It took about a month to complete and I was hooked! I was so sad when it was over, and it was so poorly done at the end, and I only had to wait a year for the reboot!!! I can’t stop using exclamation

I’m sure you’re a lovely person, but how can I trust your judgement Kara Brown? You’ve publicly admitted to watching Married At First Sight.

She is the only satirist I’m dedicated to. Samantha has a perfectly balanced one-two punch of intellect and outrage. This is her at her peak - beating the living shit out of things that need a beatin’.

The lettering is bringing out the amateur graphologist in me! So, that frilly capital E is really telling. It’s from a person who 1) might use cursive (more likely female than male), 2) has spray painted before and knows that making an E with one stroke is more efficient than creating four lines, or 3) someone who is

Post election, I don’t think he will stop. It concerns me.

So does this mean he won’t be doing lines before the next debate? Because I can’t with his sniffling and huffing again.

OH my lawd. You are a survivor of so MUCH! Please know I am thinking of you, anticipating the chance to read about your recovery, and that you kicked C right in the booty hole.

This woman from Kansas is like most Christian conservative voters who will vote for Trump no matter what. It’s all about Roe v. Wade. They think a fetus is more important than handing the launch codes to a sociopath. Here is what else they find of lesser importance than a fetus:

The only thing that might sway religious republicans, is if women provide receipts for abortions that Trump paid for. Because, for now, they are with him for as long as he is against choice.

Fallon lost me. Even before the Trump thing. I’m so over his Neil Young impersonation. Neil is such a great sport about it, but the last time he was on Fallon, they sang “Old Man” together - while Fallon was impersonating Neil. It was so awkward! It’s like Fallon desperately wants to be Neil Young, and it’s beyond

I worry about this poor kid. She is incredibly talented, but why is her childhood being sacrificed? To support her family? Yikes. Stage parents terrify me.

Oh my Jesis God. She thinks Hitler was good on crime and treated his workers very wel.

Wonkette is a political humor site, and they have some really great past articles about how bad Stien and Johnson are. Maybe they can give you some fuel.

Let me see if I understand what you’re saying. You think undecided voters do not exist because you’ve never met any, is that correct?

October is one of the longest months in an election year. Do not become comfortable or complacent. Get out the vote, because we cannot sit this one out.

Um... Hm.