
Yes! This a million times.

No one saves jokes if they’re good. If you have strong material, you use it. These guys are in over their heads.

...but their gags were “Trump and Clinton are poor choices” and one dick joke. For the season premiere! Everyone opens with their strongest bits for a premiere, and that’s ALL they came with!

Mike Pence is about to get hosed this week debating Tim Kaine. Kaine will be fine, and Pence will never be fine.

King James is taking is talents to Hillary? I LOVE IT.

This. So much.

Hey, let’s do something. I’m phone banking for Hillary when I can, but let’s work on those hippies in our lives, and our friendly neighborhood liberal meme-posting activists and “lite” Republicans in Democratic clothing who are hung up on idiotic ideas about trade. Let’s put some inspiration on them to actually stand

Oh heck, a casino is chump change. The casino is there for the off duty fracking technicians and their wives to enjoy.

I’ve really had it with the uncharitable hippie hypocrites, who act all concerned about peace, love and Mother Nature, and don’t give a shit about this election because a Trump presidency might not affect them personally. Their lack of empathy betrays anything they say about the environment.

Um, not GE anymore.

I’m middle aged, too, but come ON. Yes it is weird to ask, never do it, and don’t be creepy.

It had the same effect on me. I felt tremendous sadness. So well done. This is one of the most powerful things I’ve seen happen on social media. She is a genius.

I saw the photo of the scene with the “gun” and it doesn’t look like a gun to me. If you look at the object, in relationship to the officer’s foot, it’s incredibly small and flat and could be anything from a candy wrapper to a kazoo.

I am very sorry you live this way. I can’t even begin to understad how the world is satisfied with the way you have to complete any given day.

They’ve lost their moral compass and their minds.

Please don’t. :(

A more apt comparison would be menstruation. That’s when women bleed from their wherever, and deliberately forget to flush the toilet in to torture you. But, ovulation and menstruation happen naturally and without special lotion, hand manipulation and a sock. Therefore your argument is invalid.

Dear  Ms. Madeleine Davies : Oh hai! I’m in the grays on Jez, but I was not on Gawker or Deadspin. Perhaps you will see my message? I hope so. I saw Carol earlier this year in Chicago, live. She is so incredible. She brought clips, and she took questions. Just like she did on her old program! Plenty of the audience

That's exactly the point. Fallon actively participating in the normalization of Trump is the low bar. Who is he entertaining? People who support a white nationalist. There were ways to handle Trump without kissing his ass. It's all so stupid and it makes me feel bad.

I’m staring at my pristine pair of D Rose, Bulls-red sneakers, and wondering how I’m going to sufficiently tear them apart this weekend. Saw and a blender? A few M80s from a road side fireworks shop in Indiana? Or just throw them the hell out and be done?