
I still thinking calling Marlene innocent is wrong. In that world, there is no such thing as an innocent person. I wouldn't even say Ellie is innocent. She did some really fucked up things. Those things were in the name of survival, of course, but if the Last of Us and the Walking Dead have taught us anything, it's

I think the game is just buggy in general.

It's been in nearly every patch note though, so it's gotten kinda old.

I feel like this is far too obvious. Nintendo will never do it.

MLG should really hire some stylists to work on these guys before they go on camera. The clothing is fine, I guess, but they could use some help with grooming.

I normally can't stand this guy, but it's nice to see him play a game that makes him shut up.

An article saying arguing specs is pointless.

Game of Thrones would make such a good GTA game.

I really need to play Tomb Raider. When there are so many good games to buy, some just get left by the wayside unfortunately.

I played both Ni No Kuni and Last of Us. If there is a category for most disappointing game of the first half, Ni No Kuni takes the cake. Between the terrible friendly AI and how fast mana drains, it makes combat in that game one of the most frustrating things. And it's really a shame because the game is beautiful and

I was pretty angry that they were gonna kill Ellie, so, right or wrong, I shot every single person attempting to hurt her. I didn't even realize you were made to kill the doctor. I was going to do that regardless.

I think they showed this back when they first announced the PS4. Might have actually been a video they showed on stage.

I realized last gen that Nintendo really has nothing for me anymore. It was miserable having just a Wii for the first three years and watching all these great third and first party games pass me by.

Well definitely don't watch GoT because it not only is medieval, but also has zombies.

I think there would be a benefit to the retailer (read: Gamestop) in that they'd be able to still exist. If used games were to be completely prohibited on consoles, I don't see how Gamestop would be able to stay open in their current state.

So that underwater sequence was cool, I guess. But that fish AI didn't seem all that great. They didn't even swim out of the way a couple times.