
Can you make a top 4 for anime that aren’t on Amazon...?

If they have to quantify it as the deepest “portable” FIFA game it sounds like it’s just going to be watered down. I guess it is with that story mode not being included.

Does this mean we get the amazing graphics we saw in the first Dark Souls 2 trailers?

The samurai/ninja aspect isn't what I'd be most interested in. My favorite part about Assassin's Creed is walking around the cities they create. And while I'm sure the cities aren't one to one, they are somewhat historically accurate.

Pls Ubisoft. Pls.

I don't really care if the sane(?) gamergate people still want to fight for... whatever it is they are fighting for, I just wish they'd choose a better name. Maybe one that didn't sound so negative.

The Queen has employed the Fallen somehow. The Cryptarch controls the Hive. The Speaker must be in cahoots with the Vex. And Xûr is of course involved with the Cabal.

I'd be more worried about the bandwidth I'd be sacrificing to get that rather than my hard drive space.

$730 total in a 10 month period... I don't know how I feel about this.

I am OUTRAGED. How could you even put Dark Pit on this list??? Underexplain it to me.

PR clearly isn't their strong suit.

I'm really stoked I can (finally) try out Driveclub without putting any money down for it.

I wish Sony would push out updates like Microsoft has been doing. That UI has been a stagnant mess since launch.

Yeah, I can go along with that. Not only did the game look great, but also the amount of detail they were able to put into every scene is quite something. Every room/area was different and told its own story.

Yeah, I never could get used to the controls when playing the demo.

Yeah, sure. But if we are talking about generation defining characteristics of these two games, I wouldn't say TLOU's gameplay was groundbreaking by any stretch of the imagination. It was solid gameplay and that's fine, but it doesn't really come close to being as important as what HL2 did back in 2004.

Yeah, for me it was just a quick thing I could do to get a bunch of upgrade materials.

I hope Bungie actually understands, or at least takes the time to understand, why people feel the need to use these exploits instead of just patching the exploits out. That's just a bandaid on their end, but it doesn't make their game any better.

The games are way too different when it comes to what each game does best. HL2 brought about groundbreaking physics and gameplay, and an okay story. The Last of Us brought groundbreaking storytelling and okay gameplay.