
The past tense of catch is "caught". "Catched" isn't a word. Don't feel bad- English is awful.

Yeah, I completely agree about the reocurring jokes. It just feels like a lot of cameos are being inserted for the sake of nostalgia.

Six episodes in, my biggest complaint is all the fan service. I haven't counted or anything, but it feels like 75% of the side characters from the first three seasons have already made an appearance. I just wish they'd let this season be its own and quit trying to remind me of why I loved the first three.

For me, "Well, actually..." is second to "You do realize..."

So their gonna bleep the serious curse words as if this is still on network tv?


It looks like it doesn't. I use GV and just set this up out of curiosity and it automatically uses your phone's underlying number - not the GV number. Just checked settings on the phone app and it didn't look like you could change the number used either.

"For movies where the publisher has disappeared and aren't in print anymore, but are still under copyright, used movies is the only way to enjoy them."

One of the most well written shows I've ever seen. I just wish the cast was handled better.

[removed comment due to wrongness]

Verizon won't let Google update devices directly without first letting them test it. This is a dealbreaker for Google.

For the NFL, I just order a season of Game Rewind every year (

I understand. Sous-vide is emotionless and it looks ridiculous and unappetizing throughout the entire cooking process.

Take out +1 and put in #summationhashtags.

Ditto KingofYou.

Your having a great morning, dghdfghffdnbyyfg.

Hey look at the cool italics button removing the need for me to use html.

Right, and there is a difference between talking about percentage of android models that will get shitty support and <i>total number</i> of android devices sold that will get shitty support. Of course, given the highest selling phone maker's update practices (Samsung), maybe it should be included in the shitty

For me, I like being able to quickly see the first details of recent messages, the next few appointments on my calendar, my recent notes, and the weather for today and tomorrow. That list used to include quick setting switches, but that's mostly handled by the OS now.