
I have tried to get used to the 400o twice now and failed. I'm probably not giving it enough time, but regular keyboards legit feel more comfortable to me, though that's probably because my typing style is a little loose.

That looks like PVC plastic.

"Except that you forget that <Lucus> sees <the remastered versions> as what <the original trilogy> should have been but could not be due to the technical restrictions of <puppets>. Those <CG elements that totally didn't look awkward pasted on top of a classic movie>? He loved those and wanted those in the series from

I've only recently took the time to learn these kind of shortcuts for email, rss, etc. but Facebook's version of j/k for navigation is kind of shaky, especially when dealing with pictures.

{sarcastically claps for Jan314}

For me, I'm basically always playing through an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game, either for the first time or just exploring through a world again if it's been enough time.

They're rarely my main game at any one point, but I'm always playing through one of them. Weirdly, it's kind of a similar relationship I have with

Whoever thought of the Indian in the Cupboard should be the next EIC.

"Xbox is more likely to be chosen by a girl (I admit that's mostly an empiric conclusion but my wife has one, a female coworker has one, almost every girl I know wants or at least knows what an xbox is, none of the wants a PS3 or a Wii)"

"but a reasonable argument can be made that a traditional invasion of Japan would have cost far more lives—American and Japanese."

I'm actually a little confused about why scaling is such an issue for iOS.

So does this foretell really crappy support for the regular Facebook app while they try to convince me to download a skin on my Nexus 4? That stinks.

Thanks for the info.

You are wrong about me and I think you're being a little hostile. I wouldn't say that this idea destroys marriage anymore than a lack of government acknowledgment makes a gay guy any less gay. Just exploring the idea of whether marriage needs government definition. The idea that this would destroy marriage comes from

"There are so many legal benefits that come along with being married (medical, tax-related, etc.)"

What are the issues? Reducing demand for lawyers can't be one of them :)

Immigration: "and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here."

I've bounced a crazy idea around in my head the past few months. It really is crazy, don't know if I'd actually try it, and expect most people to shoot it full of holes. So feel free to.

I'm metaphorically clapping my hands because you said something I like.

I kinda feel like this is going to be another generation were Nintendo just makes it with their established brands and some very good niche games.

To me, the stuttering was most obvious a the beginning. It felt like the camera kept hitching slightly.