
Thanks for the help! Your right that I should probably just talk to them in advance.

What about a landlord's ability to bill you for additional repair fees?

I would call 720p on a 4" screen high-end. It's higher than the iPhone's anyway.

Mother of...

You seem to think that wanting to leave something behind for the people you love is illogical. "What do I care since I'll be dead?" isn't the right question for a person who has kids (that they love).

Now playing

May I suggest a theme song for your opinion?

I owe you both so much.

I wanted to post some comforting news about our missile defense program having a good chance of shooting one of these down.

Why are we talking about Operating Profits instead of Net Income? The only difference is the interest the team paid on it's debt. Why leave that in?


Yes. If you have the 15, it should run well. If you have the 13, I'd wait and read some reports from others first, but it should be fine at resolutions lower than native.


"How many times in the entire history of aviation has there been a serious incident on a plane because of a knife?"

So, basically build an Android laptop. That actually sounds awesome.

California & space (or at least the ISS) are both frontiers. The train and the rocket deliver supplies.

Hell yeah.

"and I will never get my hands on a Nexus 4"

Okay, this is probably the 300th-ish spam comment I've seen since Gizmodo went to the new system, but the wording of these things still get me. I actually love them now and hope they stay.

I'm actually tempted to make you an offer for mine. It dropped out of my bag a few months ago and cracked the back glass. I put a carbon fiber skin on the back of it ( and now you can't really tell other than a few scuffs on the side.