Sell the car and never buy an Audi again. Best not give them anymore money.

Here’s my Richard Burns based Impreza, the RB5! (Richard Burns number 5)

You mean except Ford?

Hey Ford, *rer* buy enough ban *rer* dwidth to stream your *rer* events!

Jay Leno. Obvious answer is obvious.

They do.

Is it wrong if I still prefer this?

I liked how, a few laps later, Kimi was hit by Ricciardo (who should have been penalized but wasn’t) and he says “that was not nice” over the radio.

Why not both?

Because my Mustang might be worth more money than that Porsche down the road. It might quite possibly be faster at the track as well. Also I wonder who was the pimp riding that thing.

So Texas, the biggest proponent of “free market forces” is one of the few still clutching its protectionist laws? Whoda’thunkit?

Wow that wheel combo looks frekin amazing.

How about an EG Civic Si Hatch grounded by four 215/60R13 Goodyear GT Radials on Aero Race Wheels? Because that’s the closest I’ve come to road legal go kart handling.

The Dream Cars exhibit was at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta before this, and the Electric Egg was pretty cool, but I was a tad distracted by THE STRATOS ZERO OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG

Wouldn’t pay that much if it didn’t have a salvage title. I’ve owned a few Audis and they always screwed me over with one stupid failure after another. Never again.

I’ve driven on that track twice at the Exotic Experience. The driver was driving the way they are told to drive, which is clockwise. He didn’t do anything wrong.

That being said, I remember seeing the very guardrail they crashed into and thinking that it didn’t look right. I recognized that if someone was to spinout,

I cannot believe nobody mentions Kimi's hero run from dead last at one point up to 4th place. He also had horrible luck during Q2. During most of the race he was also throwing down the fastest laps. I think he has the tools (good car) to make a good show this season.

I'm tempted, if for no other reason just to break up the carbon deposits that are undoubtedly forming in my cylinder head.

Also, the two-tone green-on-white Buick Centurion, seen here behind the General Motors Le Sabre XP-8