Eh, it’s a practice of stopping insults early.

:| Like I could care less what you say about my race, if you called me any swear word.

I think the problem with this game is how it begins, it feels similar to inquisition in that the beginning feels rushed. ME1, 2 and 3 introduce you to the central conflict almost immediately whereas I’ve finished my 10 hr trial and played about 6-7 hours of the single player and I’m still trying to figure out what

I agree. The first time I played ME1, I wasn’t a fan of how wonky the game was. After a few hours of elevators and turning everything into omni-gel, I started to love the game. ME2 is still my favorite though.

I think a great deal of the souring on DA: I was likely due to the fact that at first blush, it appeared to be an SP game that got the feel of an MMO right...

...and then the realization that the content was about 20% core awesomeness surrounded by 80% fluff (that war room table left me feeling so pissed off that I’ve

I think people were like, “Hey this is good.” Until Witcher 3 came out and it made Inquisition look like amateur poetry night at the improv.

You can say that again. They really should have led off with combat to show off the new movement system, then followed up with the narrative- and world-building.

Can we all just be honest with ourselves and admit this game looks like horse shit? Bioware is a pale imitation of what it once was. They haven’t put out a great game since Mass Effect 2. The fact they get so much unwarranted good will makes no sense to me.


If the photos of Watson that were leaked aren’t nude photos, why does Jezebel’s headline say hackers have leaked nude photos of Watson? It seems best to keep headlines about a sex-crime as accurate and non-click-bait-y as possible.

Jason, I’m curious. Are you going to spend money/hours on this iteration?

RPG elements

Bungie really decides whether Destiny is a traditional first-person shooter, or an MMO. As someone who sunk dozens of hours into finding, upgrading and perfecting some of the game’s rarest guns, this news is a huge disappointment - guns like the Monte Carlo and Touch of Malice are part of why I loved playing Destiny

lol so much for the “10 year plan” they were going for.... releasing a new game every few years and having people start from scratch is not a “10 year plan”, that’s just releasing a new game every few years, which pretty everyone is doing, so nothing special there.

Thanks for the story and quality reporting on Destiny the past couple of years. As a religious player since Nov 2014, I am conflicted about this news that character progression through the lifecycle will not occur as previously advertised. On one hand, I appreciate the improvements and evolution possible with

Fuck Destiny. In my opinion, Phantasy Star Online 2 is far more fun.

Ultimately it’s a good thing. However, I do think it will be a big mistake if they don’t at least figure out some kind of way to let people’s emblems come forward into Destiny 2.

Honestly I’m spent. Contrary to all the other replies I’m seeing, even though it’s not surprising I am disappointed. I’m a day one player, countless hours clocked, over $140 spent on content expansions(no eververse stuff) without much a flinch despite consistently being burnt by expansions and false hopes. I was in

As a Diablo and Borderlands player... this is news?

Ick, guess I wont be buying the sequel. The reason I play all these online-only games is the progression of the character over the years. Starting over in Destiny 2...I’d rather just start an entirely new different game.

Well. Glad they gave me an excuse to not bother with the sequel. :)