I don’t think anyone who has a Wii U and many of the amazing games that came out for it thinks it was a failure.

I hate how some of my people have made being a Zionist a prerequisite for being a “good Jew”. What those people are doing over there to the Palestinian and Arab people is the same as what happened to my great-greats in Ukraine, Poland, Russia. It’s called a pogrom which is russian for “Nice village, it’s ours now.

435 party hacks voted. It wasn’t an open vote.

I liked Hillary. But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find something else to troll me about.

I understand that this is the internet, so it’s natural to be awful to people you don’t know. But you’re being a huge asshole, even considering that this is the internet.

He’s gracious but i’m sure he wanted this. I live in mn and i like keith, he was the better choice here.

You do realize Ellison said he was going to resign his seat right? Also, when you’re in the straits the Democrats are, rebuking the future of your party and your movement seems short-sighted.

That’s the thing. Despite the fact that I don’t have ideological issues with Perez, it just proves that despite the fact that Ellison had more support by people in the party, money won. I’m fucking over begging the DNC to listen to the party base- young people, women, and non whites. Instead they go establishment

Oh how lovely, one of Clinton’s VP finalists. I guess we should start getting excited for a third installment of Hillary loses the White House. 

both pictures of keith and his facial expressions say otherwise

Gotta love spite  white voters.

Can’t wait for centrists to keep on pushing away the most engaged slice of their potential electorate and then react with insulted astonishment when somehow they continue hemorrhaging seats across the country.

God forbid we try to actually respect what the people want from a DNC chair. I’m seriously considering leaving the party over this bullshit.

Because Jezebel had that bullshit “Why I am no longer Feminist “ interview on there, in which both Beyonce and HRC was called out.

Yup. Click on any Bey article on Jez and out come the haters

But apparently a white woman with a pen wasn’t impressed.

I thought about the article on Jez the other day about some person shilling for her book in her quest to get paid and how she deflected talk about white feminism by focusing on Beyonce. It’s all fine and dandy for the writer to get paid, but god forbid a Black woman do so as well. She was pretty tone-deaf and

Obama: All I did was wake up & go to a meeting. *shrugs*