
Don't worry, Erico's name says it all. He's butt hurt. Also PSN atm gives great benefits to early access to games, free games etc all while not spamming you with Advertisements.

Well, I will buy my ps4 and two 3rd party games for the price of your xbox one. Also I will play in the nude while MS Employees pass around dirty pics they took in your house while your system was "off."

I win.

What about Sonic? Are we keeping him as well? Don't tell me we lost one blue super star for another....

I loved the Wii version for the first two months, then as you said it started feeling repetitive and drab, which honestly makes me upset. This outside of traditional Super Mario games, Zelda, Metroid and SSB is one of the few series I really loved. It seems they are going the Sega route, playing it safe and trying to

The gameplay looks amazing, it's campy as the original, I just hate that it's on Wii U. Could you imagine this beast for PS4 and/or that other system... uh... XOne? Time to get a Wii U. :|

Outside of the ridiculously campy story, the gameplay was superb. Nothing really touched it until DmC.

I really hate this is Wii U exclusive. This, and Super Smash Brothers might be the straw that broke the camels back for me to get a Wii U.


Sometimes things aren't as they seem. Also pre-caching is amazing, where the game installs what it needs on the HDD versus you loading the entire damn thing. That way you load from two storage devices at once into ram versus having to wait on HDD Header Queue Times. Also fragmentation


Troll: "It doesn't run linux, fail. Got to buy camera, even though 40 dollars less total. Fail. Sony losing bucketloads of money on each system, fail."

This x 100

6x Blu-Ray. Not to shabby tbo.

Well, the fact it's not that expensive (like live) but offers a lot more benefits, with a lower price point for the system, people will pay for it.

I feel like it's last generation but flip-flopped. 360:ps3::ps4:xone.

It's a nicer looking VCR though! I do like how it is a slight throwback to the ps2. I still have my original PS3 and man, it's so ugly.

Well, Bloomberg said not to be shocked if it hit 500 or exceeded it.

If it hits the analyst reports of 349.99-399.99... my head will explode.

The thing is everyone attacked Sony for their price point...

Wii U has Super Mario Bros U, getting Super Smash Brothers, and Bayonetta 2.... I think I'm sold if it hits 300.

So now I have to buy a surface? And folks complained about the Vita Option for ps4... :|

I personally believe in balance. We should stop though, this really isn't the forum for government/economical/market debate lol

So in your 'Free Market' monopolies are acceptable for there is no force to prevent them, in which a company can single out an entire market, horizontally or vertically and then force consumers to have no options.

Corporations (Profit, Non-Profit, Not-For-Profit) have proven they can not 'govern' themselves either. How