Wow, Nintendo really is showing their true colors. How about focus on making more games for the Wii or getting more 3rd party games to the DS vs. Releasing a new small update to your handheld every few quarters. #nintendodsi
Wow, Nintendo really is showing their true colors. How about focus on making more games for the Wii or getting more 3rd party games to the DS vs. Releasing a new small update to your handheld every few quarters. #nintendodsi
Well, considering I can play it stateside a lot earlier on the PS3 I think I might go ahead and import it and deal with the 38 vs 40. Then when it gets localized rent the 360 version to see if it's worth another purchase ;-) #bayonetta
The PS3 Commercial tells me I can import it and play it a lot earlier due to lack of protection.... region that is. #bayonetta
In other words: 90 minutes of additional work would have cut into our huge lolprofits. F the Fans. #newsupermariobroswii
In other words: 90 minutes of additional work would have cut into our huge lolprofits. F the Fans. #newsupermariobroswii
All the SF Fans out there, say Moo.
I remember when they proposed the idea of new characters and bg's as DLC since it was 3D... not an entire new game. Damn it I knew this was going to happen.
Anywhere online where I don't have to deal with either 1) people who try to force their biased fanboy opinion down my throat while I suffer through their bad hygiene or 2) overly educated air headed people that try to sell me everything under the roof while they clearly have no clue what they are talking about.
So 54% vs. 1/2 of 1%... :-T
The problem with the word pornography is it's thrown about easily and is very relative to the person discussing it. Some people consider women in swimsuits as pornography while others require it to be XXX material before they deem it so.
Lighting is quite important. Color (70 Bit+, average viewing range of a person) and realistic lighting like color deflection off of objects are two things that allows our brains to notice volumed spaces are abnormal or not immediately. The closer to reality they get things the more immersive games become.
Wolverine, Played by Fabio & John Claude Van Damme's love child. I bet you 60% of the Wolverine animation consists of artsy slash animations.
Saying a game is > another game that really hasn't been out that long is ridiculous. We'll see if NCSoft delivers on end game content and longevity. That's what has kept WoW going. Everyone might hit level cap and get bored with lack of content.
Well, the problem is half the people who actually play video games do so because their actual real life full body response times are lacking, hence why they aren't outside playing real sports.
I loved this game when I first played it on PC-CD then Turbo-CD. I still have it but been scared to replay it in fear of it tainting them memory :S
I loved the game for the first 25 levels. After reaching thirty on a class things would get boring and I would think maybe it was the class. After trying four classes and hitting 30 with each, I realized it was the entire game. I love the Conan universe and stories, but this was such a disappointment.
or a Metal Gear Solid Fighter on wii...
Acid on iPhone is my gamble.
I hope in multiplayer you can play as Eminem, Dr. Dre, Eazy-E and hidden character R. Kelly, who doesn't use guns because has his own special attack...
Just like the PS1, when your driver starts to fail flip it upside down...