
Well, the 360 is probably nearing it's saturation point and even with the price drop might not be selling like it was. PS3 is being recognized as one of the best buy blu-ray players on the market.

Yeah, it seems that we're dumb enough to keep letting nintendo to do this to us over and over. Soon, a New Gameboy/DS and even an updated Wii with internal hard drive and updated graphics (720p!) coming to a store near you :\

Maybe they should just give it a desktop and start button with standard explorer to make navigation easier :S

I'm going to buy the JP version anyway since web translations start pouring out on launch day.

I know it's easy to replace the physical hard drive in the PS3, but how easy is it to get your data over? Saves can be done with a USB device or even an SD card, but what about purchases from the PSN like these movies? Would you be able to redownload them? If so, 200+GB HD here I come. heh.

Well, considering most people are picking up the PS3 for a Blu-ray player then discovering some of the good first party games, it's not surprising. I wonder what they are going to do though since they have been hiring engineers who specialize in virtualization and the fact the rumor has been around for some time about

This is awesome. Netflix was a major reason I was using a PC hooked up to my HDTV, and now my 360 will see more playtime outside of Halo3, GoW and Ikarugi :D

Well, the big thing is unless SE region locks it themselves PS3 owners can buy the japanese version, which could be why they are worried about less Western Market share.

3 extra wiimotes, $120

reread* sheesh my grammar is bad today.

Wait, rered, it's an actual physical device. Duh.

Well, if people are getting their password captured via keyloggers, wouldn't keyloggers capture the pin also?