I think we can go cheaper.

Somebody fears being assassinated.

If I took that picture I would NEVER stop posting it.

“Make America great again!”


I would correct you to say Ladybird Lake, but I don’t want anyone to think I’m an Austin johnny-come-lately.

A nice big, wide, fast road was built all the way around ‘that shithole’. Please use it and you’ll never have to see Austin again. We’d prefer it that way.

Yep... Jalopnik, where anyone driving a truck must have a tiny penis. This site is pathetic sometimes.

As much fun as it is to laugh, perhaps this person has mobility issues and this is the only way they can get out and enjoy nature. Not all disabilities that inhibit walking are visually apparent and the Segway is accepted as a mobility device for the disabled in many places.

Way Too Serious Guy pointed it out, but it kinda looks like she’s taking a group shot.

It’s hard to understate how much we’ll miss Tyler. He’s not only clearly one of the most knowledgable, insightful, and smartest reporters we know, he’s also a great guy. When he first joined on he was one of the few people I could count on to help me out on weekends, and one of the few people I could go to with my

The phenomena seen here is not the result of the size of the windshield itself, its the result of the line of sight through the window.

More pineapple.

Sucks. As a dude, Austin native, and UT grad I never felt unsafe around campus. Hard to believe this happened literally on campus. RIP

We generally don’t get snow storms; we get ice storms, and we have a lot of overpasses.

*Pulls up to the Abdullah II’s Limo*
*Abdullah II rolls down the window to talk to Obama*
*Driver rolls a huge billowing cloud of smog into his face before taking off, truck nuts swinging in the wind while Obama extends the middle finger out of his window*

Jalopnik: *complains people lock up expensive cars in temperature-controlled garages*

Anyone got a list of the limos? Not really into watching a 47 minute valet montage.

I worked with a guy for a year that was with one of those whoopee start-ups in the dot-com heyday. All the execs got a nice Ferrari. I told him one morning a taillight was out and he started foaming at the mouth. Apparently, this thing was barely running, and needed a fortune in work while he was doing a database

It would have made for a great tow vehicle on the days it wasn’t getting towed.