Tesla suggested fires were unlikely, but they still happen too.
Tesla suggested fires were unlikely, but they still happen too.
... there’s gonna be some Wang Chung that night.
Jesus - Id kill myself if I had to pay 40k out the door for a minivan... damn.
40k minivan? Wow.
... apple gives you significant discounts as an employee, so it makes very little financial sense to own android. Similar can be said about a lot of businesses and their employee discounts. Also, for the many people I know working in their engineering departments - they arent forced to buy Apple products and arent…
Well, when you work at Starbucks - you dont have to worry about such things in ones daily life or routine. ;)
... seeing a doodle of a cock could be considered workplace harassment. Just so you know. And if you like showing drawn pictures of dicks to random people - you shouldnt live on this planet. Take a sexual harassment training course and you’ll understand.
... pretty sure that would *void* his warranty and thus kill a bunch of awesome stories about how he had to walk home from the Aston dealership cause his car broke down.... again.
“..... she’s pretty hot.”
... sweet christ... for the love of god take this car on a road trip to all 50 states. We can even wage which 10 of them it breaks down in... and perhaps an over/under on the average distance to the nearest dealership.
hookers and blow.
Sadly he doesn't party much harder than a vast majority of my 30 year old friends. They just don't have a media circus following them all over documenting someone holding a beer or egads a 4loco.