... Same guys who lit the Dubai hotel? #theycomein3s
... Same guys who lit the Dubai hotel? #theycomein3s
... He dropped more than the soap.
... Really weird that I have to turn the A/C back on in December. Gotta love the weather here in Austin.
Agreed - the link requires a subscription.
Perhaps I’m lazy as hell, but I always take my car(s) in to have their oil changes. Its usually only slightly more expensive than doing it myself, and I dont have to get all dirty, spend 20-30 mins, and do cleanup around the garage/driveway/wherever. Just isnt worth it.
I passed by that the other day in Dallas. Was sort of sadly placed in the middle of crap industrial. Oh well.
... Pretty sure those would be voluntary positions. No need to pay for what folks would do for free. ;)
... Canada - they're hiring.
All the statements you're making aren't applicable to high tech in the Bay Area. Again, many people are moving there to do tech along with the stuff that came out of the tech start with Fairchild and others in the 60s/70s. Assuming it's locally sourced just isn't right now days. I know this from years of recruiting in…
... again, incorrect. when you look at design teams now days - its becoming more so that the inflight young engineers are H1B engineers... that really isnt a “local talent pool.” I’m pro H1B, as Ive hired a massive amount over the years, but the reality vs. your statement/claim are quite different in terms of what a…
.. And H1Bs... And likely offshored engineers as well.
You don’t live in that part of Texas owning a metal business as someone who is “rich.” These guys were a few million dollar net worth types which is more McMansion.
This is why you shouldn't crash your ford gt.
While not 100% on this I'm pretty sure douchebag yellow is easier to buff out than the more civilized colors.
lots of blowing is gonna happen in that car, but not in the engine compartment.
then let me make a correction: I always like my 1st year production cars to have their engine replaced once or twice - you know... like an oil change but the full two wrench service. Go Chevy!
Thats good to know... I always like my new cars to have their engine replaced once or twice - you know... like an oil change but the two wrench service.
“They won’t buy one.” Damnit. Sell them here in the states and I would have had a defender years ago.
Id really love to see you own a micro econobox like a Smart Car, import Mini Cooper, BMW i3, etc. My lead vote would be the Smart. Sort of making up for your hummer acquisition. ;) You could cart it around in the back of a pickup, attempt to have a PT Cruiser run it over, take it to the gas station, see if women get…