
Can I just say how much I appreciate this being a list and not a slideshow?

Yeah, whatever. I don’t care about the overall rate, I care about the rate of packages that never arrive to *ME*. And by that metric, the post office is failing big time. With the biggest problem being that while UPS and FedEx have tracking that actually, you know, WORKS, and can tell you where my packages are and

lol, was going to say, at the dealership I worked at there was a lot of this sort of thing. A bunch of Coked out 20 somethings who hang our 12 hours a day, its bound to happen

I’ve been the person that both the parent (my sister) and grandparent (my mom) have both vented to about this topic. What I found helped both is saying “I think you are viewing this as a lack of respect, and I don’t think that’s the case.”

After many years I’m still happy with Keepass. 

KeePass is the best free alternative to LastPass. Well it is if we are talking about the most secure method of managing passwords.

RIP the real Deadspin.

This times 1000. I’m not opposed to video content, obviously that excludes spam like autoplay stuff. But man, just give me a nice concise list if it’ll work.

1) Erica, I know it’s literally your job to produce videos, and

100% agree. I come to this site to READ content. I go to Youtube to watch content.

No to a wealth tax. No to an income tax. Yes to the Fair Tax.

Leaving aside ownership and who gets what in the event the relationship ends, the best way we’ve discovered is to have a joint checking account that gets the bulk of the funding. Each of us has our own checking account into which we get a stipend. Anything from the household account is consensus-driven. We can spend

Window seat runs the show here. “If you are seated by a window and do not feel capable of normal human interaction in the event of a disagreement, please alert a flight attendant and we will try to accommodate a new seat assignment.”

dId YoUr MoM rEaLlY tAlK lIkE tHis?

AckThpfft must be the sound you make when someone POURS a FUCKING TUMBLER OF CENTIPEDES DOWN YOUR SHORTS!

How in the world would YOU ever know what I need?

I read the Drew’s today, oh boy
About a plucky man who named the rain
Another dude was rather fat
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw Chris Farley’s ass

A brew is noted for its can
It doesn’t matter if the Lite has changed
A row of people stood at Camden
Now, let me be clear
Nobody is really sure if lemons have two seeds or more


To the extent possible, I just fly Southwest and have gone out of my way to make it clear to other carriers that I’m avoiding them over this nickel & dime approach. Pissing in the wind, as the saying goes.

I have no idea.

Stop putting y in everything where There should be a i damnit.