
Missed the obvious one:

I have one for Ubisoft. Thou Shalt Get Rid of UPlay

Thou shalt allow alt+tab.

This boy will be the chosen one!

My bitterness over the fate of this game (and the fate of White Wolf as a publishing entity) is well-documented in these comments sections. Today, I want to focus on something positive. CCP, if you read these comments at all, it's time to pay attention. If you want a great WoD game made without taking resources away

Well..someone already did it..

  • All games on PC without requiring Origin/EA account.

It isn't the inconvenience that is the issue, it is that the companies are essentially robbing us for services available at much more competitive prices elsewhere. So you are paying more for others, but getting less, with the only reason being the greed of the provider.

The thing I don't really get here, is that she says there are tons of different outlets for people to release games now, so why she calling out big names like Grand Theft Auto and saying women need to fight for inclusion? Include yourself. Go make some fucking games, or inspire other people to make games. All I've

Need both the ps3 and psp games. Such a shame that it was taken to the handheld to die like that.

Free isn't always a full explanation because people are willing to pay for proxies, file host memberships, newsgroups, donate to torrent/link sites, etc to keep being able to pirate. I think a bigger problem is that pirated copies are often superior to the legitimate ones. People who are willing to shell out $50+ for

I have another point: it isn't really about how it benefits companies (at least directly), but the mere existence of piracy is a form of competition within the marketplace. It's one of the only things that can shake up this weird monopolistic hold the cable companies have on content.

My favorite loot system is one that balances probability with sure fire drops. I get why random values are used, but too many times does the player fall victim to it. Something that evaluates time between drops of certain caliber weapons, users favorite item types, and provides a clear window of guaranty if the random

Game: Borderlands

Reimu is on it too! XD

QUOTE | "We as an industry have reached a quality level now where it is getting increasingly more difficult to really wow people." - Crytek rendering engineer Nicolas Schulz, acknowledging that graphics across the industry are getting better.

Well, how is it not a multiplayer paywall, if you need to pay to play online?

"I loathe xbo's yearly payments."