i am too busy to hit shift! unless there’s an exclamation point involved

i don’t really have any problem with cake i just wanted to see if it’d rile someone up

I believe I noted that the keyboard is only available when PARKED.

It'll likely drop as production/volume increases. Right now it's only meeting sales demand for the single area.

Lived here most of my life (California ) yep it's true heat= earthquake. Here's some more sayings "when the leaves on fruit trees fold or turn upside down, get ready for a quake" and this one " if the crickets and stuff stop cherping, quake in three days" and lastly " when all the city dogs are howling, that's your

Hi Allen,

Something additional I wanted to mention but it didn't really fit into the article - a lot of times we talk about how to escalate or get higher-tier customer service, and the natural response is "well, if everyone does that won't it ruin it for everybody/won't they put another layer of support in there?" I actually

Media files, data synchronization, and remote backups, oh my! Home computing has advanced to a point where it's