I’m starting* to think Trump is a pathological liar. He constantly lies about trivial things, his lies are instantly and easily exposed, yet he continues on as if nothing happened. Take for instance all the supposed speakers at the convention. Right after he says Big Ben and Tebow will be there, it’s immediately shot

And never once does he use it correctly, as in "I did a horrible thing. I ruined an innocent woman's life. I am a total garbage person who has no valid place in society."

Just let all the rec-league softball teams that used to use the parks, play instead at the new stadium. Braves fans would appreciate the upgrade in the quality of play actually.

Hilldog, that’s what I like to hear

I have a harder time explaining Michael Jordan’s moves as owner Charlotte to my 7 year old than I do explaining homosexuality. He understands that it’s okay that a guy can be in love with a guy, he has no idea why Jordan chose Marvin Williams over Chris Paul and neither do I for that matter.

People like to say “How am I going to explain homosexuality to my kids?” I don’t know, tell them sometimes guys love guys and girls love girls. I’m pretty sure I’ll have a harder time explaining homophobes.

My personal revenge fantasy involves them stalling, the democrats getting the white house and either Hillary or Bern nominating Obama for the position.

My dad still talks about when I was 12 and got into a HEATED debate with my uncle about Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, to the point my aunt thought I was rude. My dad always says he had never been prouder of me.

Instead of watching the debate I made chocolate covered pretzels with home made candied bacon bits and I feel like I made the right choice for me and my family (me looking at myself in a mirror)

I think he’s morally responsible regardless.

And the political right creates a false equivalence between literally every law. “Oh, I can’t punch this homeless guy, but he can sit on the sidewalk all he wants?”

It’s not politically incorrect to say he’s a marginal pro football player. But your colors show through pretty clearly when you seem to have such an extreme need to point it out.

Not only that, but to find the right tone... because he know’s it’s getting leaked. I wish my boss was as considerate. I wish my boss could put two sentences together, frankly.

This is a model email to send on your way out the door, under any circumstances in general but specifically under the difficult ones that finds Simmons leaving.

That’s good work by him.

Bullshit aside, I couldn’t imagine a better email I would want to receive if I were on that staff. That’s good work by him.

Motion that no one gets their nails done unless they can afford to tip 100% tbh

Mother fucking this^

Now playing

As soon as I hear the opening to Nearer My God to Thee I start tearing up...