
Wrong with you, or you have a job that requires a uniform. And not just a uniform, but a uniform that makes you look put together and not sloppy, because when you pull someone over and they see you get out of your car in their side mirror, with your shirt untucked and wrinked, right then? That's when they decide if

So Stacy someone who has had her photo taken with Clooney?

In fairness, he is just accurately representing the citizens and constituents of Staten Island by threatening to throw dude off the balcony. If he had gotten into his Iroc-Z and peeled rubber from the Capitol, that would have been the topper.

I just wanted to stop in to point out that the reason the F150 is the best selling vehicle in the states is not because of your neighbors who hate Gaia. It's your city/town, county and state. Most F150 sales are for fleets, and the need for a reliable pickup for the armies of public works and transportation agencies

Fellow LEO here. Agree with your comments. I think there's nothing wrong with knowing and invoking your rights. I have enough of a brain and hugs from my Dad that if someone pushes back when I ask to see ID that I don't flip out.

I want to go to a straight bar named Woofs. For real.

No, it was clearly "5 Gandalf's Racks"

Can we just talk about the name Penn Charles for a second?

Um, Bridgeport has the Merritt Canteen, friend, which really is probably the best restaurant in the Nutmeg State. Chili Cheese Dog all night long.

If that helicopter lost control because the pilots were blind and flattened about 50 protestors, I bet they would have regretted this non-violent demonstration.

Can you also clarify that when wearing an Oxford button down without a tie, that you button the collar points?

So was this a real email to you guys? Because if it was, I want to punch that guy in the face. I'm currently working on a computer running Windows 07 and that just got updated from 2003. And we have to use Blackberries. This is life. I understand that for mllenials who grew up with smartphones, it might be a drag

Does the term "LID" apply to all areas of the Island as well?

Yeah. I've not heard of any of those things, but I had heard of the hot chocolate. Sorry for her.

Good News. They are all going to be in National Harbor which is actually in Maryland, and there's no mass transit out there, not that any of them would take it. You should be fine if you look around and see black people or rainbow flags. They won't come near you.

Thanks. This is a great comment.

So unlike some posters here who don't like children, I actually like kids and I'm good with them and they like me. I think I'm just too selfish to have them. As 36, now with most of my friends with kids, I've seen from the outside how much your life changes and I still have so much stuff I want to see and do, and

Yeah dude. You've clearly never been to SI.

Mark, you need to lighten up. Go burn more of your money.

Just came here to say that Mom is hot. That is all.