G2 Breakdown

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, 99 million years later
When we extract the DNA
The science of Jurassic Park will build you up and let us in
Take these broken wings

wanted to fuck Megan Fox

Then put him in a kids movie. Which Transformers are definitely not. (at least, not for younger kids you’re referring to).

Him x 17m right now.

Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?

By the chairman, no less. I don’t see how this can be construed other than “our own guys are shit.”

Sony has the ultimate authority. But we have deferred the creative lead to Marvel, because they know what they’re doing.

“Now that we actually live in a reality where Marvel’s Cinematic Universe can call itself home to the most iconic superhero in the world....”

And when Kong does a business...

Sigh....Someone please tell these fools that the size of your monkey is irrelevant if you don’t know how to properly use it.

It’s a poorly written movie, period.

This is about the most depressing thing I’ve read since the last time I read something about the state of the planet.

We should thank the Russians for being considerate enough to bring people back from the space station. Why can’t we (the U.S.) do it? What happened to the replacement of the space shuttle? Does it not exist perhaps because there’s no profit in space exploration, but there is profit in selling firearms, bombs, and war

I'd be totally fucked. Sleep is the best; I'll take it over food, booze or sex any day of the week. Trying to stay awake like that just to live a couple more days? Totally not worth it.


Should've gone all the way and called it The Clonspiracy

I’ve mentioned this before, I think...

Lynda Carter was a regular in a bookstore I worked at in the mid 90's. She was awesome. Polite, conversational, and always willing to spend time with those who recognized her. This makes me so happy.

I hate the anti-Superman subculture in comics.