I also skip it because;
Bart’s old enough to grow facial hair now?
The entire arc of Weird Science was that two horny teenagers with no dating prospects made what they thought was the ultimate sexpot but with the parameters that she’s also a super intelligent deity with a great personality.
NPCs make the game unpredictable. You converse with them, and if you get it wrong, they might kill you. Or you might help them and they’ll back you up! Some also drop cool loot, and it’s fun to see two NPCs just going at it.
Fallout’s zany characters and dialogue is what makes fallout fallout.
Part of human interaction. People enjoy things you don’t and vice versa.
idk I thought the joke was pretty hilarious lol, just because people suffered through something doesn’t mean it can’t be joked about. I’d say that most of the best jokes are born from some sort of trauma. Comedy is just a way of working through stuff differently. Though the corporate aspect is whack
Fallout 76 was a terrible idea from conception. Fallout is beloved for its narrative, faction interplay, and memorable NPCs. So... Bethesda decided to make a PVP online FPS survival game which has none of those things. And they decided to re-use the same dusty Creation engine known for mediocre FPS combat mechanics and…
Word of mouth killed the game. It's really not bad. But the whole "online survival" thing was divisive to say the least, and most people formed their opinion on the game long before it came out, or without even trying it
Thank goodness this naming controversy doesn’t look like it will derail the new gaming console I’m marketing, the PlaeyStation 4.
Save The World mode is why I was initially interested in the game. I remember when it was first announced and THAT is what the game was going to be. Then they released it as a pay to get access game but said they were going make it free and I have been waiting for that ever since. But it doesn’t seem like they have…
So, for quick clarification: Save The World is what Fortnite was originally designed to be, right? A horde mode with classes and defenses and escalating challenges wave by wave?
I mean, they put Bayonetta in smash bros so anything is possible.
‘Cramming genie back in the bottle’ sounds like something Bowsette would be into
I wonder if the neck snappingly quick turn towards porn and cross-eyed, tongue sticking out stupidity had anything to do with this. Seriously, what’s with the cross-eyed, tongue thing? Are other guys turned on by women who appear to be mentally challenged to a worrying degree?
A model of efficiency and timing.
Browsed the comments for people not knowing who Raistlin is. Welp, there it is.
The joke is that Raistlin is the most famous character from the Dragonlance novels (which back in the day were basically the single most popular D&D related thing ever), in many ways the Sephiroth of D&D, and he’s stolen the character and is passing it off as his own creation - and presumably the rest of the world of…
Not a multi-parter. The joke is that Raistlin is the main character, red robed, god-sexing, neigh immortal wizard from Dragonlance.