This will be utter madness - either amazingly so or horrible so - but insane one way or the other. Can’t wait. The Invisibles pretty much defined my teenage years and helped me deal with mental health issues so I want this to succeed but either way it will be a hell of a ride.
You just cross all the boxes for an obnoxious person. “Shitaku”, saying that the cast isn’t diverse just because there isn’t a person from your patch of land, arguing that charcacters like the androgynous Moira and the squire-esque Briggite are typical “white girl characters”, saying that Orissa was made for a…
I’ll buy Overwatch three more times if they make a support hero who uses a day old baguette as a melee weapon and heals allies by giving them donuts. Their ultimate would be them cooking thuk threy which creates a 10m sphere that repels the enemy. Give me my representation Blizzard
As opposed to “I have a problem with it so everyone else should have a problem with it!”
So in this case the skin color of the character is the most important thing? Overwatch has a whole bunch of people of color.
Sorry, you gotta do a little better than just a priori appeals to feel-good concepts. All those things “matter”, sure, but I challenge you to make a compelling case as to why this specific representation in this specific game at this specific moment in time makes a shitbrick of actual tangible difference. Without the…
It’s a fucking video game. Empathy should be reserved for things that matter, not this inanity.
So what is the right number? Should Blizzard stop enjoying creating interesting and different characters and pull out a check list to make sure not just that EVERYONE is represented in their roster of 29 characters, but that the RATIOS are to your liking?
Yeah, but not the RIGHT KIND of diverse...
Anyone who thinks this is a problem is a true moron. Overwatch’s heroes are pretty damned diverse.
Apparently it has to be spot on or it doesn’t count these days.
Okay, but like...Pharah and Anna don’t count? Is it because they are Egyptian, not African-American “black”? By all means, I’m all for more black folk in the game, but this does bug me a bit.
I could outrageously cite the weakest or wrong parts of this argument but really what’s wrong here and in general is that everyone can understand their own reasonings and not other peoples. They then think that everyone else has to be not thinking about it like they are and being controlled. I mean that’s both the…
I remember chortling when the doctors try to give Superman an IV in the hospital, but he’s so strong that the needle breaks, and everyone is suddenly all worried. Because he’s so weak that he needs an injection, but too strong to take it.
It can be followed up by “Superman: Just the Clark Kent Stuff” from Impractical Jokers
Yes let’s take a break from playing as a superhero swinging around new york to write a fucking news article. I’m assuming this is a joke but if not, hard pass lol. Mary Jane’s sections were kinda dumb as is. She whines and complains that Peter doesn’t view her as a partner but the fact is she puts herself into…
Probably not canon now, but for point 1, I give you Guri: