
Didnt work, still fapped to it.

Considering the coverage this (Overwatch ‘over the shoulder pose’) has been getting, I couldn’t help but feel this NerfNOW! strip from this week would fit here.

See, I can’t tell if you’re just trolling at this point. You’re doing nothing to counter their argument. “I am equal parts an objective and subjective person and I do not play your argument winning debate logic.” You’re legitimately not saying anything. You’re performing the verbal equivalent of sticking your head in

Tracer has 4 possible flavours of ice cream. She has vanilla, chocolate, plum, and durian. Flavour count = 4

Warning: I’m going into a long rambling streak here tangencial to this discussion but not immediately directed at it. Feel free to ignore, because it’ll be a long text.

Its because there is a modern “feminist” movement that doesn’t quite understand what they are fighting for as they could be easily mistaken for far right-wing religious zealouts with their views on sexuality.

It’s not even like she’s wearing ass-less chaps or then there would be an argument. Maybe these people got tired of yelling at Zero Suit Samus for wearing spandex and not getting Nintendo to change it, and moved on to Overwatch.

About the update, i bet Marvel made a similar statement after they “caved-in” and pulled all the issues that had Milo Manara’s Spider Woman drawn by him after they left the guy for the internet to tear him apart as if he is a serial killer or some rapist, as soon as they saw that they cut him off and left him for the

Blizzard, please add a shirt to Roadhog, as his bare belly is offensive to people who are overweight.

If I had those legs and a body that tone, I would make that pose every single day.

I’m a man, I have a butt. Sometimes I might pose with my butt. Butts are the great equalizer, why would we try and change that?!

From an animation perspective that’s a solid, fun pose. However, in our overly sexualized world teetering on the brink of Nanny State-dom, this is about the only thing you’re allowed to get upset about and everyone will just roll over and be complicit to your social justice warrior demands.

The character in general is

I dunno...If Nintendo says it’s okay, it should be okay.

I love that in an age where we have a movement called “Free the nipple” people are still upset about a fully clothed butt.

EDIT: And not a very good one, at that.

I personally think the pose is more cheeky; I see no sexualization in it. I don’t necessarily mind if they swap it if they think it doesn’t suit her personality, but I don’t think that’s the case here. It also sort of bugs me that this complaint is about an optional winpose you can select. It’s there as a way for the

Butts, people have them. People who can’t deal with that fact probably need to step away from their computers to sort their lives out, there are just so many real things to worry about that spending your time raging at the tiniest issues must be killing them.

This is an outrage!