how about noone systematically discriminate against anyone? how about we try that for once?
how about noone systematically discriminate against anyone? how about we try that for once?
doesn’t really help any goals towards equality for everyone when you exclude a certian demographic while claiming it’s for ‘equality’, you’re just doing the same shit you’re complaining about and claiming to be against.
what was worse was when my daughter was born, i was up 72 hours waiting for my wife to go into the final round, and was seeing bunny rabbits hopping through the halls.
I used to work at home doing data entry for non-profit organizations, I’d put movies on , brew coffee, work 48 hours straight, stopping for bathroom and to answer the door for pizza, then crash a full day, and enjoy the rest of my week.
I own a 3ds I still play the shit out of, I see no problem
on Kotaku? yes. and here I was worried they were starting to slack off on telling us what to be outraged by daily.
No! there is nothing outside the city! the rest of the ‘state’ you speak of is an empty void!
will tell you from experience, doesn’t matter what your melanin looks like, if you have a sword at least. i’ve had a cop pull a gun on me in the subway over my wooden practice sword, and I’m paler than death. spears, I can’t speak for though.
I’m in the minority as I liked Watch Dogs 1, but then again, I liked AC3 as well
the Penny Arcade guys should try Malifaux, you don’t just make the minis yourself, you preform nano-surgery
Fallout’s had alot of Lovecraftian references. Pickman, Dunwich Borers.
oh, yeah, I understand the reasoning behind it, and don’t expect anyone to risk their job, I thought it was hilarious at the time
I have friends that started playing, they’ve been reccomending I give it a try
not games, but I was denied buying beer for my 60 year old dad, because he didn’t have HIS ID on him.
exactly, I blame the gamergate crowd for sarkeesian getting any of the attention she got. Kotaku hadn’t helped much either in that regard. but if it weren’t for gamergate, they may have stuck with just one article, instead of what felt like daily articles telling us how she was the next messiah.
same here
I’ve been in locations in the Division I’ve seen in real life, like time’s square. so definatly agree, especially with the trash, abandoned cars and emergency vehicles, it feels like a real place, just one in a state of emergency. Most similar games just feel like a map made for a shooter game.
boobs aside. the game itself looks like Toyblast with a motion comic inbetween puzzles, and somehow also involves elvis impersonators, and ghost/unicorn women? neitherone seem very noir-ish to me