What is most interesting is a decrease in gross margin. That is unusual for Apple.
What is most interesting is a decrease in gross margin. That is unusual for Apple.
These guys in Chicago are really into molecular gastronomy.
I just got a Milestone 2 and use it on AT&T. It is great.
@The_Geek_Greek: Completely true. Both Motorola and Nokia hold a ton of patents on the hardware side. Almost any phone in production will need to license their patents. Since Apple doesn't have the same RF portfolio they will need to license with cash rather than other IP.
@djfoxx64: Nokia and Motorola probably own more patents related to cellular phones than Apple, HTC, and RIM combined.
@trollinforanominalfee: or Motorola is pissed for inventing stuff and having it used without being paid royalties.
@JacquesAss: An iPhone that can make calls!
@minimaltek: If you don't receive royalties for you innovations, and others can rip them off, why innovate? Motorola is protecting what is theirs.
@iii moozez iii: Companies need a reason to spend billions on innovation. If they can't recoup their expenses through patent rights, they will be less inclined to spend as much to innovate.
@jblues: You should realize that a patents title and what a patent covers are not the same. People always cite very broad patent titles as "problems with the patent system" without ever reading what the patent actually claims.
@jblues: That post makes me believe you know nothing about patents.
@Ian Logsdon: If Apple sued Google over Android, they couldn't sue the phone builders for Android. They would rather sue several companies rather than one giant.
@maximum_sarge: It takes this long because you try to negotiate licensing. When the other guy says no, then you sue.
Apple doesn't have a whole lot of patents in wireless technology to negotiate with. Motorola has decades worth. I bet this settles with Apple owing royalties.
@chaboud: The title of the patent does not truly reflect on what is patented. You need to read the claims of each patent. So far I haven't seen a list of the patent number they are suing over.
Motorola not jumping on the Windows Phone 7 bandwagon gets them sued!
@Thunderbyte: DLNA 'just works' with anything I have tried. PS3, Android phones, Windows computers. There isn't anything difficult about it. Plus *I* get to choose my hardware, not Apple.
@Fighter-of-the-Nightman: It is very similar to DLNA, except it only works with Apple products.
@midnightz: They 'invented' an equivalent to DLNA that only works with Apple devices. So much for 'openness'.
Why does Apple have to introduce AirPlay? DLNA already can do pretty much all the streaming. AirPlay is just an attempt by Apple to keep users exclusively in their i-ecosystem.