'Caster Semenya' name is an anagram of 'Yes A Secret Man'
'Caster Semenya' name is an anagram of 'Yes A Secret Man'
Blue Horseshoe Loves Anacot Steelers
"And I can assure you that I have played with less than the 2 kidney limit. "
@Rabbi Dave: The sport seats in my e60 are really good. Best in any car I have owned.
@Barry Lutz: That information won't be made this public
I have a baseball card of this. Ventura refused to sign it.
I don't see why people are getting angry at Palm for doing this. Apple people would have a fit of Microsoft stopped OSx from working with SAMBA shares. OSx spoofs as Windows NT to work on SAMBA.
It was a great day for the company outing to a Sox game.
@Bobby_Big_Wheel: What is that some kind of Mexican dish?
@FuzzysFriedChicken: and i clicked the wrong reply
@Craig Eshericks Mustache: 16:22 in the first half, first Jordan son mention
[img] [cache.deadspin.com] [/img]
@assassin: That is pretty much exactly how it happened. When Smith brought the car back Roger Powell went out and checked on Carwell, and thought he was dead too. A friend of mine was at their party. Smith was drink Jack Daniels all night.
@BubbaCJ24: All the attractive Chicago suburb girls end up at Iowa, too dumb to for Illinois
Wow and '10 model year being introduced 8 days into 2009.
@the_mail_it_in_man: Jesus does make a guest appearance in the Koran
Too bad Ditka never got the chance to run for Illinois Senate against Obama, sports and politics would have merged.
Tom Dempsey calls him a pussy
@Fourstring85: The Tesla does have its own very unique sound
Nohomo would be a good japanese left field prospect