
@Mr. Pennsylvania: They removed the video of Berman talking about 'Duex Duex Duexs' I added to the Codeine page.

"John Adams should have died on a different day than Thomas Jefferson . He's now a footnote." — Anonymous369

The Jerry Reinsdorf show?

"Something very right is going on in the Hot Carl camp."

"John youngest to elected president and Bobby assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan — an importanant family history-wise." — KNNDY69

"Charlie finally got the signature win they needed to boost their resume for 1969." — TetwasOffensive

"Stop talking about Deux Deux Duex's being the best medicince ever, start talking about the best buzz ever." — Ber69man

"Castro did impress. He gave them energy, I think. We'll see if he can keep it up." — CheG69

"The Confederate will easily take over the North once Stonewall comes back." — RELee69

"Quinn hasn't blown a dude yet? What's up with that?" — BrwnsFan69

"Germany will return to glory in 1934 with the incoming Führer. Go Deutschland." — ReichThreeGuy

"This is just a small step in Will's career when he will someday be Pulitzer Prize winner." — SrcasticDood69

Ditka: 4,756,132

"I am a Deadspin fan, and I love commenting, but this is fucked up, not logical."

"Why not trade anybody with a seven figure salary, that would make us AAA" - MrlinzFan69

"Wow! Tiger can't be beat. Lynch him!" - KTilghman69